National Security and the Internet

Is the Internet a revolutionary medium that requires a new set of laws and bureaucracies to safeguard against external threats?

If so, what is the United States government's role in creating and enforcing these laws?

The Internet - A Revolutionary Concept

"There has never been any means of communication comparable to the Internet!"

"But I can talk to my friends over IM just as easily as I do on the telephone!"

Legislation, the Constitution, and the Individual

"George W. Bush's Patriot Act is a threat to my Constitutional rights!"

"Have you seen what terrorists are doing in Iraq right now?! The Patriot Act was created to protect your rights!"

Threats to National Security

"The Internet is a paradise of opportunity for terrorists and criminals!"

"The Internet is a source of unlimited resources for law enforcement officials!"

International Connections

"The United States government must take responsibility for regulating Internet use!"

"Nations must work together to create a regulatory system of the World Wide Web!"

Internet - A Revolutionary Concept

Government Legislation and the Constitution

National Security Threats
| International Connections


Home page of A. James McAdams,
William M. Scholl Professor of International Affairs
at the University of Notre Dame

©2004 Power Group Productions