Quiz Information Math 10560

After the first tutorial, a quiz will be given each week in the Tuesday Tutorial (except for the final week of classes). The date and sections covered in each worksheet are shown below. There are no tutorials on exam days.

The quiz will last 25 minutes. If you are late, you will get the remainder of the time to complete your quiz. Calculators will not be allowed on quizzes and no formula sheets will be allowed unless they are attached to the exam. Please put away your smartwatches and phones for the duration of the quiz.

There will be no make up quizzes. In the event that you miss a tutorial, you must have appropriate documentation for an excused absence from a university official in order to gain credit for the tutorial. In the event that you have acceptable documentation, the average of your other tutorial grades will be used to replace that of the missed one.

Quiz Format: The Quiz will consist of 4 multiple choice questions(all old exam questions) and one compulsory question. The compulsory question will be a partial credit question(an old exam question) or a list of true/false statements.

Tutorial Grades: The grade for your tutorial will be 100 points out of a total of 600.

Each tutorial with a quiz counts for 10 points. Your quiz will be worth 8 points. Two points will be awarded(at the discretion of the tutor) for participation and complying with the standards of behavior expected in your classroom.

There are 11 quizzes. We also give 10 points for attendance at the review session on 04/29/25. We drop the lowest two grades of the 12 grades.

Quiz Grades: Your score for the quiz(out of 8 points) will be calculated as follows:

Compulsory question -> 3pts.

Multiple Choice Questions: 1st correct -> 3 pts + 2nd correct -> 2 pts


The last tutorial will be a review and will not count for your grade.

To prepare for Tuesday Tutorial you should read your book and notes, make summaries of the material in the given sections, work through the homework for those sections and try the old exam questions on this website from those sections (solutions are given on the same page). A list of the appropriate exam questions to review each week will appear below.

You may attempt any of the questions on the quiz, but you may not have time to complete all of them. On exams, you are usually allowed about 4 minutes for a multiple choice question and about 8 minutes for a partial credit question. Some will take longer than others, depending on your individual strengths or weaknesses. It is assumed that when studying for the quiz, you will pay attention to your own strengths and weaknesses and will choose the questions to attempt on the quiz wisely. This will also help you with developing good exam strategies, where it is best to start on questions that play to your strengths.

To prepare For Exams Note that a variety of problems can be solved with the same concepts, theorems and formulas. So it is best to pull out general principles as you work through your notes and make a note of the main ideas, formulas and theorems. You can then test your understanding and skills in using these tools on a variety of exam problems. This outlook will deepen your knowledge and help you develop the problem solving skills you need to tackle problems that you have not seen specifically, but can be solved with the tools you have. At the other end of the scale, mindlessly working through old exam problems alone, and hoping you get the exact same problems on the exam is not a good study strategy, since we rarely give problems on exams that are exactly the same as those on previous exams. Exam questions are designed to test your mastery of the course material(combined with foundational material from previous courses) and your proficiency in applying it to problems. Some questions might be very similar to questions you have seen before, others may not. The quizzes we give in tutorials are composed entirely of old exam questions and thus should give you a good way to test your progress each week and help you develop the problem solving skills you will need for exams in a low stakes environment. Please pay careful attention to the valuable feedback you get from your quiz each week and adjust your study strategies accordingly.



Practice Problems
Tutorial 1


Jan. 14

Quiz 1


Jan. 21


6.1, 6.2*, 6.3*

From Old Exams

Section 6.2*

Ex1, Sp. 2006; Q3

Final, Sp. 2006; Q1, Q3

Ex1, Sp 2008; Q1

Ex 1, Sp 2013; Q2

Ex1, Sp 2014; Q1, Q2


Section 6.3*

Ex1, Sp. 2006; Q2, Q4, Q5

Ex1, Sp 2008; Q3

Ex 1, Sp 2013; Q1, Q3

Final Sp 2013; Q1, Q2

Final Sp 2014; Q1, Q2

Also look over notes, HW and book on these sectionss.

Quiz 2


Jan. 28


6.4*, 6.5.

From Old Exams

Section 6.4*

Ex1, Sp. 2006; Q1, Q6

Final, Sp. 2006; Q2

Ex1, Sp 2008; Q2, Q4

Ex 1, Sp 2013; Q4

Ex1, Sp 2014; Q3

Final Sp 2014; Q4


Section 6.5

Ex1, Sp. 2006; Q12

Final, Sp. 2006; Q4

Ex1, Sp 2008; Q5

Ex 1, Sp 2013; Q5

Ex1, Sp 2014; Q11


Also look over notes, HW and book on these sectionss.

Quiz 3


Feb. 04


6.6, 6.8, 7.1.

From Old Exams

Section 6.6

Ex1, Sp. 2006; Q7

Final, Sp. 2006; Q5

Ex1, Sp 2008; Q6, Q7

Ex 1, Sp 2013; Q6

Final Sp 2013; Q3

Ex1, Sp 2014; Q4, Q5

Final Sp 2014; Q3


Section 6.8

Final, Sp. 2006; Q6

Ex 1, Sp 2013; Q7, Q11

Final Sp 2013; Q4

Ex1, Sp 2014; Q6


Section 7.1

Ex1, Sp. 2006; Q10

Final, Sp. 2006; Q7

Ex1, Sp 2008; Q11, Q12

Ex 1, Sp 2013; Q8

Final Sp 2013; Q5

Ex1, Sp 2014; Q7

Final Sp 2014; Q5


Also look over notes, HW and book on these sectionss.

Quiz 4


Feb. 11


7.2, 7.3, 7.4 (1st half).

From Old Exams

Section 7.2

Ex1, Sp. 2006; Q8

Ex1, Sp 2008; Q9

Ex 1, Sp 2013; Q9

Final Sp 2013; Q6

Ex1, Sp 2014; Q8, Q9

Final Sp 2014; Q8


Section 7.3

Ex1, Sp. 2006; Q11

Final, Sp. 2006; Q8

Ex1, Sp 2008; Q13

Ex 1, Sp 2013; Q13

Ex1, Sp 2014; Q13

Final Sp 2014; Q6


Section 7.4 (1st Half)

Final, Sp. 2006; Q9

Ex2, Sp 2008; Q10

Ex1, Sp 2014; Q10


Also look over notes, HW and book on these sectionss.

No Tutorial (Exam Day)


Feb. 18

No Tutorial

(Exam Day)

Review up to (and including) section 7.5. Review all questions listed above and the following from Old Exams

Section 7.4 (2nd Half)

Ex2, Sp. 2006; Q9, Q10

Ex2, Sp 2008; Q1, Q11

Ex 1, Sp 2013; Q10, Q12

Final, Sp 2013; Q7

Ex1, Sp 2014; Q12

Final, Sp 2014; Q7



Section 7.5

(review of methods of integration)



Quiz 5


Feb. 25


7.4, 7.5, 7.7, 7.8.

Look over your work on exam 1 and the solutions on the website.

Review following questions from Old Exams

Section 7.7

Ex2, Sp. 2006; Q2

Ex2, Sp 2008; Q2

Ex 2, Sp 2013; Q1

Final, Sp 2013; Q8

Ex2, Sp 2014; Q1

Final, Sp 2014; Q9


Section 7.8

Ex2, Sp. 2006; Q3, Q4

Final, Sp. 2006; Q10

Ex2, Sp 2008; Q3, Q4

Ex 2, Sp 2013; Q2, Q3, Q11

Final, Sp 2013; Q9, Q10

Ex2, Sp 2014; Q2, Q4

Final, Sp 2014; Q10


Also look over notes, HW and book on these sectionss.

Quiz 6


Mar. 04


8.1, 9.2, 9.3.

from Old Exams

Section 8.1

Ex2, Sp. 2006; Q11

Final, Sp. 2006; Q11

Ex2, Sp 2008; Q9

Ex 2, Sp 2013; Q4

Final, Sp 2013; Q11

Ex2, Sp 2014; Q12

Final, Sp 2014; Q11


Section 9.2

Mixing Problem

Solution Mixing Prob.

Ex2, Sp. 2006; Q7

Ex2, Sp 2008; Q8

Ex 2, Sp 2013; Q5, Q6

Ex2, Sp 2014; Q5, Q13

Final, Sp 2014; Q14


Section 9.3

Ex2, Sp. 2006; Q8

Final, Sp. 2006; Q13

Ex2, Sp 2008; Q12

Ex 2, Sp 2013; Q7, Q13

Final, Sp 2013; Q12, Q14

Ex2, Sp 2014; Q6, Q11

Final, Sp 2014; Q13


Also look over notes, HW and book on these sectionss.

Quiz 7


Mar. 18


9.5, 11.1, 11.2,

11.3/11.4(Part 1)

from Old Exams

Section 9.5

Ex2, Sp. 2006; Q12

Final, Sp. 2006; Q14

Ex2, Sp 2008; Q12

Ex 2, Sp 2013; Q8

Final, Sp 2013; Q13

Ex2, Sp 2014; Q7

Final, Sp 2014; Q12


Section 11.1

Ex3, Sp. 2006; Q1

Final, Sp. 2006; Q15

Ex3, Sp 2008; Q1, Q2

Ex 2, Sp 2013; Q9, Q10

Final, Sp 2013; Q15

Ex2, Sp 2014; Q8, Q9

Final, Sp 2014; Q15


Section 11.2

Ex3, Sp. 2006; Q2

Final, Sp. 2006; Q16

Ex3, Sp 2008; Q3

Ex 3, Sp 2013; Q1, Q2

Final, Sp 2013; Q16

Ex2, Sp 2014; Q10

Ex3, Sp 2014; Q1

Final, Sp 2014; Q16


Also look over notes, HW and book on these sectionss.

Quiz 8


Mar. 25



+ Topics from Exam 2

Look over your work for exam 2 and the solutions on the website.

from Old Exams

Section 11.3/11.4(Part 1)

Final, Sp. 2006; Q17


Section 11.4(Part 2)

Ex3, Sp. 2006; Q4

Final, Sp. 2006; Q17

Ex3, Sp 2014; Q2


Usually these series pop up as part of a problem on series requiring a mixture of methods.

Have a look at the problems from section 11.6(listed below) to try to identify the series for which you can determine convergence/divergence using your knowledge so far.

Also look over notes, HW and book on these sectionss.

Quiz 9


Apr. 01


11.4, 11.5, 11.6

from Old Exams

Usually the series from section 11.5 pop up as part of a problem on series requiring a mixture of methods. In particular the A.S.T. is often required to distinguish between absolute and conditional convergence (studied in section 11.6)


Section 11.5(See class examples and homework)


Up. To Section 11.6

Ex3, Sp. 2006; Q3, Q9

Final, Sp. 2006; Q18

Ex3, Sp 2008; Q4, Q5, Q6

Ex 3, Sp 2013; Q3, Q4, Q5

Final, Sp 2013; Q17, Q18

Ex3, Sp 2014; Q3, Q4, Q5, Q11

Final, Sp 2014; Q17, Q18

Also look over notes, HW and book on these sectionss.

Quiz 10


Apr. 08


11.7, 11.8, 11.9.

from Old Exams

Section 11.7

Mix of problems on series.

Section 11.8

Ex3, Sp. 2006; Q11

Final, Sp. 2006; Q19

Ex3, Sp 2008; Q7, Q12

Ex 3, Sp 2013; Q9, Q13

Final, Sp 2013; Q19

Ex3, Sp 2014; Q9, Q13

Final, Sp 2014; Q19


Section 11.9

Ex3, Sp. 2006; Q5, Q12

Ex3, Sp 2008; Q11

Ex 3, Sp 2013; Q6

Final, Sp 2013; Q19

Ex3, Sp 2014; Q9, Q13

Final, Sp 2014; Q19


Also look over notes, HW and book on these sectionss.

Quiz 11


Apr. 15


11.10, 11.11, 10.1

from Old Exams

Section 11.10

Ex3, Sp. 2006; Q7, Q8

Final, Sp. 2006; Q20

Ex3, Sp 2008; Q8, Q10

Ex 3, Sp 2013; Q7, Q10, Q12

Final, Sp 2013; Q21

Ex3, Sp 2014; Q7, Q10, Q12

Final, Sp 2014; Q21


Section 11.11

Ex3, Sp. 2006; Q6

Final, Sp. 2006; Q21

Ex3, Sp 2008; Q9

Ex 3, Sp 2013; Q8

Final, Sp 2013; Q22

Ex3, Sp 2014; Q8

Final, Sp 2014; Q22


Section 10.1

See Notes.

Also look over notes, HW and book on these sectionss.

No Tutorial (Exam Day)


Apr. 22

No Tutorial

(Exam Day)

from Old Exams

Review up to (and including) section 10.1. Review all questions listed above from Old Exams




Apr. 29


Graded for attendance/participation

from Old Exams

Section 10.2

Final, Sp 2014; Q23

Final, Sp 2013; Q23, Q24

Final, Sp. 2006; Q22


Section 10.3

Final, Sp 2014; Q24

Final, Sp. 2006; Q23


Section 10.4

Final, Sp 2014; Q25

Final, Sp 2013; Q25

Final, Sp. 2006; Q25