Ashley P. Thrall: NSF CAREER Project

Myron and Rosemary Noble Associate Professor

of Structural Engineering

University of Notre Dame
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
and Earth Sciences

Ashley P. Thrall




Journal Publications


Tumbeva, MD and Thrall, AP (2021) "Modular Connector for Resilient Grid Shell Structures." Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(8): 04021115, 12 pages.


Tumbeva, MD, Thrall,* AP, and Zoli, TP (2021) "Modular Joint for the Accelerated Fabrication and Erection of Steel Bridges." Journal of Bridge Engineering, 26(6): 04021022, 13 pages.


Gerbo, EJ, Thrall, AP, and Zoli, TP (2020) "Service and Ultimate Behavior of Adjustable Bolted Steel Plate Connections." Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(7), 04020128, 11 pages.


Gerbo, EJ, Thrall, AP, and Zoli, TP (2020) "Adjustable Bolted Steel Plate Connection: Measured Behavior of Bolts during Field Installation and Numerical Parametric Investigation." Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(2), 04019189, 16 pages.


Gerbo, EJ, Wang, Y, Tumbeva, MD, Thrall, AP, Smith, BJ, and Zoli, TP (2019) Closure to "Behavior of an Adjustable Bolted Steel Plate Connection during Field Installation." Journal of Structural Engineering, 145(3), 07018015, 1 page.


Gerbo, EJ, Wang, Y, Tumbeva, MD, Thrall, AP, Smith, BJ, and Zoli, TP (2018) "Behavior of an Adjustable Bolted Steel Plate Connection during Field Installation." Journal of Structural Engineering, 144 (3), 04017223, 14 pages.


Gerbo, EJ, Thrall, AP, Smith, BJ, and Zoli, T.P. (2016) "Full-field Measurement of Residual Strains in Cold Bent Steel Plates." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 127: 187-203.


Wang, Y, Thrall, AP, and Zoli, TP (2016) "Adjustable Module for Variable Depth Steel Arch Bridges." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 126: 163-173.


Gerbo, EJ, Casias, CM, Thrall, AP, and Zoli, TP (2016) "New Bridge Forms Composed of Modular Bridge Panels." Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21(4), 04015084, 12 pages.




Thrall, AP, Tumbeva, MD and Zoli, TP (2020) "Modular Truss Joint." US Patent 10,626,611. Issue date: April 21, 2020.


Thrall, AP, Tumbeva, MD and Zoli, TP (2020) "Adjustable Connection for Structural Members." US Patent 10,538,887. Issue date: January 21, 2020.


Thrall, AP, Gerbo, EJ and Zoli, TP (2019) "Adjustable Bolted Steel Plate Connection." US Patent 10,370,805. Issue date: August 6, 2019.


Thrall, AP, Wang, Y, and Zoli, TP (2019) "Adjustable Module for Variable Depth Structures." US Patent 10,190,271. Issue date: January 29, 2019.




Tumbeva, MD (2021) Modular Joints for the Accelerated Fabrication and Erection of Steel Structures. PhD Dissertation, University of Notre Dame.


Gerbo, EJ (2019) Behavior and Design of an Adjustable Bolted Steel Plate Connection. PhD Dissertation, University of Notre Dame.


Casias, CM (2015) Novel Bridge Forms Composed of Temporary Modules for Transitional Bridging. MSCE Thesis, University of Notre Dame.


Conference Proceedings/Presentations


Tumbeva, MD, Thrall, AP, and Zoli, TP (2019). “A New Approach for Resilient and Rapidly Erectable Steel Bridges” Resiliency and Sustainability Workshop, Notre Dame, IN.


Gerbo, EJ, Thrall, AP, and Zoli, TP (2019). “Experimental Behavior of an Adjustable Bolted Steel Plate Connection” American Society of Civil Engineers/Structural Engineering Institute Structures Congress, Orlando, FL.


Gerbo, EJ, Tumbeva, MD, Thrall, AP, and Zoli TP (2018). "Adjustable Bolted Steel Plate Connection: An Approach for the Rapid Erection of Steel Structures." International Association for Shells and Spatial Structures Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Tumbeva, MD, Thrall, AP, and Zoli TP (2018). "Modular Joint for Free-form Undulating Structures." International Association for Shells and Spatial Structures Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Tumbeva, MD, Thrall, AP, and Zoli, TP (2018) “Panelized Joint for Rapid Erection of Steel Trusses.” American Society of Civil Engineers/Structural Engineering Institute Structures Congress, Fort Worth, Texas.


Thrall, AP, Zoli, TP, Tumbeva, MD, Gerbo, EJ, and Wang, Y (2017) "New Approaches to Accelerated Bridge Construction through Adjustable Connections and Adjustable Modules." American Institute of Steel Construction North American Steel Construction Conference: The Steel Conference, San Antonio, Texas.


Wang, Y, Thrall, AP, and Zoli, TP (2016) "Optimization of Geometric Parameters of an Adjustable Module for Variable Depth Arch Bridges." Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.


Gerbo, EJ, Thrall, AP, Smith, BJ, and Zoli, TP (2016) "Analysis and Design of a Steel Connection for Alternative Configurations of Rapidly Erectable Bridge Modules." Presentation, American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress, Phoenix, Arizona.


Wang, Y, Gerbo, EJ, Thrall, AP, and Zoli, TP (2016) "New Strategies for Panelized Bridging." Poster, Joint Transportation Research Program - Indiana Department of Transportation Poster Session, West Lafayette, Indiana.


Gerbo, EJ, Thrall, AP, Smith, BJ, and Zoli, TP (2016) "Residual Strains in Cold Bent Steel." Poster, Joint Transportation Research Program - Indiana Department of Transportation Poster Session, West Lafayette, Indiana.


Gerbo, EJ, Casias, CM, Thrall, AP, and Zoli, TP (2015). "Shape Optimization of a Bowstring Truss for Transitional Bridging," Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Stanford, CA.



This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CMMI-1351272. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.