The course schedule can be found on Sakai
Attendence at Lectures is required .
Course Text for The first half of the course is "Big Bang" by Simon Singh. This is available in paper back from the Notre Dame bookstore and also online from Amazon, Barnes and Noble etc. You are expected to have read the pages indicated prior to the lecture on that date.
In class quizzes which count for 25% of final grade take place every week starting the second week. Quizzes take 15 mins and test the class and reading material with typically 10 short questions.
Exams (Midterm and Final) will consist of 40 short answer questions similar to in class quizzes and four longer written comprehension questions. The midtern and final each contribute 25% to the final grade.
A book report is required. Details are here. The book report contributes 25% to the final grade.