Devers Program in Dante Studies
Dante Studies

Program description and history, contact and visitor information.

Conferences, lecture series, visiting professorships, courses, and library tours.

In support of collection development in Dante and Italian Studies.

The Devers Series in Dante and Medieval Italian Literature, published by the University of
Notre Dame Press.

The ItalNet Consortium for the creation of online scholarly resources in Italian studies.

In support of research and teaching, for ND students, faculty, and visiting researchers.

Other Web resources related to Dante studies.




Zygmunt G. Baranski
2006-07 & 2007-08 Ravarino Family Distinguished Visiting Professor in Italian Studies

Serena Professor of Italian and Head of
the Department of Italian in the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages at Cambridge University

An appointment in
the Department of Romance Languages.

Professor Baranski is one of the world's authorities on Dante, medieval poetics, and modern Italian literature, film and culture. Recent books include 'Chiosar con altro testo'. Leggere Dante nel Trecento. (Florence: Cadmo, 2001); Dante e i segni. Saggi per una storia intellettuale di Dante (Naples: Liguori, 2000); Cambridge Companion to Modern Italian Culture (Co-editor Rebecca West. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001); Pasolini Old and New. Surveys and Studies. (Editor. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1999).

During the Fall of 2007 Professor Baranski will be in residence at Notre Dame and teach two courses. In each of the other semesters of his two-year term as Ravarino Visiting Professor, Baranski will visit Notre Dame for a period of 7-10 days, in order to assist with supervision of graduate students in the Medieval Institute, the Ph.D. in Literature Program and in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. During these short-term visits Baranski will also continue work with Notre Dame faculty on a number of collaborative research projects, such as the Devers Series in Dante Studies, and will available to advise undergraduate literature, medieval studies, and film, television and theatre majors. Please contact Robin Hoeppner (1–6887) about setting up a time to meet with Zyg.

During the Spring of 2007, Professor Baranski was at Notre Dame from March 21 to March 29. A lecture titled "Guido's 'disdain': Inferno 9-11" and co-sponsored by the Devers Program and the Medieval Institute was held on Wednesday, March 28, at 5:00 p.m. in the Reading Room of the Medieval Institute (715 Hesburgh Library; a reception followed). Baranski was also a guest lecturer in Italian Studies courses and was available to meet with students.





The Devers Program in Dante Studies • 102 Hesburgh Library • Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA • (574) 631-1763

This site is maintained by Sara B. Weber. • This page was last updated on 2 April 2007.

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