Geometric Analysis Seminar
Fall 2019
Thursdays 11:00 am – 12:00 pm in 258 Hayes-Healy.
September 12
Nick Edelen - Bernstein's
problem for minimal graphs
September 19
Gabor Szekelyhidi -
Bernstein's problem for minimal graphs II - [reference]
September 26
Xiaoxiao Li -
Structures and regularity of a space with bounded Ricci
October 3
Gregory Edwards -
Positivity of Weil-Petersson currents on canonical
models of non-general type - following Guo-Song
October 10
Ilya Marchenka -
The Isoperimetric Inequality for a Minimal
Submanifold in Euclidean Space - [reference]
October 17
Shih-Kai Chiu -
Tangent cones of minimal submanifolds
October 24
Fall break
October 31
Marco Radeschi -
Minimal surfaces with bounded index [reference]
November 7
Marco Radeschi -
Minimal surfaces with bounded index II [reference]
November 14
Aaron Tyrrell -
Area renormalization and singular Yamabe energy for
boundaries of minimal sub-manifolds
November 21
November 28
December 5
December 12
Previous semesters:
Spring 2019,
Fall 2018,
Fall 2017
Székelyhidi with any questions or suggestions.