This inaugural workshop for the Institute for Theoretical sciences is aimed at bringing together leading many-body theorists with experts in electronic structure and materials synthesis, and facilitate the debate over the constraints on superfluid condensation at elevated temperatures.

It is known for many decades that pairing and superfluidity is a universal phenomenon that spans at least 10 orders of magnitude in temperature. Indeed, it occurs from T=0, in nuclei, all the way to the Tc=10^10 superfluid transition temperature of neutron stars.

Thus, the question is not whether superfluidity can occur above room temperature (it does). The debate is on whether there is a window in temperature and pressure around normal thermodynamic conditions in which superfluid condensation cannot occur. So far noone seems to find a reason why this would be so... On this issue the insights of theorists, materials- and superconductivity experts attending this conference are priceless.

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