Jonathan Hauenstein

Research interests:
Numerical algebraic geometry, nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations, numerical analysis, parallel and scientific computing, applications of algebraic geometry

Preprints/Dissertation       Collaborators

alphaCertified is a software package designed to certify numerical solutions to polynomial equations currently being developed by J.D. Hauenstein and F. Sottile.

Bertini is a software package for Numerical Algebraic Geometry currently being developed by D.J. Bates, J.D. Hauenstein, A.J. Sommese, and C.W. Wampler.
    Clusters running Bertini

cadenza is a software package designed to certify numerical path tracking currently being developed by J.D. Hauenstein, I. Haywood, and A.C. Liddell, Jr.

Postdoctoral Researchers:
      2023 - current: Steve Cruz
      2022 - 2023: Zachary Miksis
      2022 - current: Joseph Cummings
      2021 - 2022: Taylor Brysiewicz
      2020 - 2022: K. Gayan Maduranga
      2020 - 2023: Parker Edwards
      2018: Papri Dey (ICERM postdoc)
      2017 - 2019: Tingting Tang
      2016 - 2017: Yi Zhang
      2014 - 2015: Jose I. Rodriguez
      2014 - 2017: Danielle A. Brake
      2013 - 2015: Dhagash Mehta

Graduate Researchers:
      2021 - current: Caroline Hills
      2021 - 2024: Aravind Baskar (joint with Mark Plecnick)
      2019 - 2024: Emma Cobian
      2016 - 2021: Samantha Sherman
      2016 - 2020: Margaret Regan
      2013 - 2017: Alan C. Liddell, Jr.
      2013 - 2016: Tulay Ayyildiz Akoglu (joint with Agnes Szanto)
      2013 - 2015: Noah S. Daleo

Undergraduate Researchers:
      2020 - 2022: Matthew Howard
      2019: Sanesha McPherson
      2018: Caroline Hills
      2018: Andrew Moccio
      2017: Christopher Lembo
      2016 - 2017: Michael Semanek
      2016 - 2017: Patrick Tinsley (mentored by D. Brake)
      2015 - 2016: Elizabeth Sudkamp (mentored by D. Brake)
      2015: Pierce Cunneen (mentored by D. Brake)
      2015: Michael Padala (mentored by D. Brake)
      2012 - 2013: Jonathan Page
      2011 - 2012: Zachary A. Griffin

Simons Fellows in Mathematics
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
Michiana Forty under 40
College of Science Research Award
Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C., Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Office of Naval Research Young Investigator (YIP) Award
Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Findlay
Army Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award
Sloan Research Fellowship
DARPA Young Faculty Award (YFA)
Teaching Excellence Award (SLATE)

CCF 2331400           FA8650-13-1-7317                     YFA 2013                   Sloan Research         W911NF-20-2-0218              YIP 2016                           SFI-MPS-SFM-00005696
CMMI 2041789                                                                                                 Fellow 2014                     YIP 2015
DMS 1918692
CCF 1812746
DMS 1819006
DMS 1636087
DMS 1547743
ACI 1440583
ACI 1460032
DMS 1262428
DMS 1114336

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Last Updated: June 25, 2024