Articles by Jerome H. Neyrey
"Who Is Poor in the New Testament?," Scripture from Scratch.
October 2002.
"Prayer, In Other Words: A Social Science Model for Interpreting Prayers." Pp.
349-80 in John J. Pilch, ed., Social Scientific Models for Interpreting
the Bible: Essays by the Context Group in Honor of Bruce J. Malina.
Leiden: Brill, 2001
"Miracles, In Other Words: Social Science Perspectives on Healing." Pp.
19-56 in John C. Cavadini, ed., Miracles in Jewish and Christian Antiquity.
Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999.
Pure/Polluted and Holy/Profane." In The Social Sciences and New Testament
Interpretation, 80-104. R. L. Rohrbaugh, ed. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson,
Food and Tablefellowship." In The Social Sciences and New Testament Interpretation,
159-82. R. L. Rohrbaugh, ed. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1996.
Was Out of Envy That They Handed Jesus Over' (Mark 15:10): The Anatomy of
Envy and the Gospel of Mark." Journal for the Study of the New Testament
69 (1998):15-56.
Symbolic Approach to Mark 7." Forum 4,3 (1988):63-91.
Idea of Purity in Mark's Gospel." Semeia 35 (1986):91-128.
The Gospel of Matthew
"Deception, Ambiguity, and Revelation: Matthew’s Judgmental Scenes in Social-Science Perspective." Pp. 199-230 in eds. Alan Avery-Peck, Daniel Harrington and Jacob Neusner, When Judaism and Christianity Began. Leiden: Brill, 2004.
"Jesus, Gender and the Gospel of Matthew." Pp. 43-66 in New Testament Masculinities, Semeia 45 (2003).
"Loss of Wealth, Loss of Family and Loss of Honor: A Cultural Interpretation of the Original Four Makarisms." In Modelling Early Christianity: Social-Scientific Studies of the New Testament in Its Context, 139-58. P. F. Esler, ed. London: Routledge, 1995.
"Lost in Translation: Did It Matter if Christians 'Thanked'
God or 'Gave God Glory'"? CBQ 71 (2009) 1-23.
You in Public and from House to House' (Acts 20:20): Unpacking a Cultural
Stereotype," JSNT 26.1 (2003) 69-102.
Social Location of Paul: Cultural Anthropology and the Status of Paul in
Acts." History, Literature, and Society in the Book of Acts, 251-79.
B. Witherington III. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996.
17, Epicureans and Theodicy: A Study in Stereotypes." In Greeks, Romans,
and Christians: Essays Honor of Abraham J. Malherbe, 118-34. D. L. Balch
and W. A. Meeks. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1990.
The Gospel of John
"'I Am the Door' (John 10:7, 9): Jesus the Broker in the Fourth Gospel," CBQ 69 (2007) 271-291.
"In Conclusion...John 12 as a Rhetorical Peroratio," BTB 37 (2007) 101-13.
"Spaces and Places, Whence and Whither, Homes and Rooms: 'Territoriality' in the Fourth Gospel," BTB 32 (2002) 60-75.
Time in the Fourth Gospel" (with Eric Rowe). Hervormde Teologiese
Studies 64 (2008): 291-322.
and Status in the Fourth Gospel: Cutting Through Confusion." Pp. 36-56
in Calvin J. Roetzel and Robert L. Foster, The Impartiality of God.
Essays in Biblical Studies in Honor of Jouette M. Bassler. Sheffield:
Sheffield Academic Press, 2007.
versus Vituperation: Contrasting Portraits of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel,
JBL 126 (2007): 529-52.
in the Fourth Gospel: A Cultural Interpretation of John 14-17," Biblical
Theology Bulletin 36 (2006): 107-17.
"The 'Noble' Shepherd in John 10: Cultural And Rhetorical Background." Journal of Biblical Literature 120 (2001): 267-91.
"'He Must Increase, I Must Decrease' (John 3:30): A Cultural and Social Interpretation." Co-Authored with Richard L. Rohrbaugh. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 63 (2001) 464-83.
Sociology of Secrecy and the Fourth Gospel." In What Is John? Vol.
II: Literary and Social Readings of the Fourth Gospel, 79-109. F.
Segovia, ed. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998.
the Shame of the Cross: Honor and Shame in the Johannine Passion Narrative."
Semeia 69 (1996):113-37.
Trials (Forensic) and Tribulations (Honor Challenges) of Jesus: John 7 in
Social Science Perspective." Biblical Theology Bulletin 26 (1996):107-24.
Footwashing in John 13:6-11: Transformation Ritual or Ceremony?" In The
Social World of the First Christians: Essays in Honor of Wayne A. Meeks,
198-213. L. M. White and O. L. Yarbrough. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.
Wrong With This Picture? John 4, Cultural Stereotypes of Women, and Public
and Private Space." Biblical Theology Bulletin 24 (1994):77-91.
Said: You are Gods': Psalm 82 and John 10." Journal of Biblical Literature
108 (1989):647-63.
the Judge: Forensic Process in John 8,21-59." Biblica 68 (1987):509-41.
"'My Lord and My God': the Divinity of Jesus in John's Gospel." Society
of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers 1986:152-71
"Jacob Traditions and the Interpretation of John 4:10-26." Catholic Biblical
Quarterly 41 (1979):419-437.
"The Social
Location of Paul: Education as the Key." Pp.
126-64 in David B. Gowler, L. Gregory Bloomquist, and Duane F. Watson, eds.,
Fabrics of Discourse. Essays in Honor of Vernon K. Robbins. Harrisburg,
PA: Trinity Press International, 2003.
"Bewitched in Galatia: Paul in Social Science Perspective." Catholic
Biblical Quarterly 50 (1988):72-100.
"Body Language in 1 Corinthians: The Use of Anthropological Models for Understanding
Paul and His Opponents." Semeia 35 (1986):129-70.
"Witchcraft Accusations in 2 Cor 10—13: Paul in Social Science Perspective."
Listening 21 (1986):160-70.
and Commission in the New Testament." Horizon.
Journal of the National Religious Vocation Conference 31 (2006) 25-30.
"God, Benefactor and Patron: The
Major Cultural Model for Interpreting the Deity in Greco-Roman Antiquity."
JSNT 27 (2005) 465-492.
'Only', 'One of a Few', and 'No One Else':
The Rhetoric of Uniqueness
and the Doxologies in 1 Timothy."
Biblica 86 (2005) 59-87.
Vita and the Encomium: A Native Model of Personality." Journal
for the Study of Judaism 25 (1994): 177-206.
Beginning of Days or End of Life' (Hebrews 7:3): Topos for a True Deity."
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 53 (1991):439-55.
"Mary, Maid and Mother in Art and Literature," Biblical Theology Bulletin
20 (1990): 65-75
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