The final exam is this Wednesday, April 12, at 9 am in Leacock 132. For details, click here.


Philosophy 201: Introduction to Philosophy

Jeff Speaks

Winter 2006

Summary. This course will be an introduction to three of the fundamental topics of Western philosophy:

A principal aim of the course will be to teach students to recognize and produce good arguments. We will spend a bit of time at the beginning of the course, and occasionally throughout, discussing what good arguments are, and why they might be worth pursuing.

Requirements. The course has no prerequisites, and is open to students with an interest, but no university level background, in philosophy. There will be four written assignments: a short 1 page paper (worth 10% of the grade), a midterm (30%), a 5-page paper (30%), and a final exam (30%). Your grade may also be adjusted on the basis of participation in sections or improvement throughout the semester.

Texts. There is one required text: a course pack (available at the McGill Bookstore). The readings will also be on reserve in the library.

“McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see for more information).”

“L’université McGill attache une haute importance à l’honnêteté académique. Il incombe par conséquent à tous les étudiants de comprendre ce que l’on entend par tricherie, plagiat et autres infractions académiques, ainsi que les conséquences que peuvent avoir de telles actions, selon le Code de conduite de l’étudiant et des procédures disciplinaires (pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter le site”