Within the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame, I teach or have taught in a variety of business statistics / business analytics / quantitative analysis courses in several of our programs (Undergraduate, MBA, EMBA, MSM, and MSBA). Regardless of the program, I try to use interesting examples in which problems or questions are addressed with the the statistical methods and ideas discussed in class. My favorite part of teaching is the enthusiasm exhibited by students when they realize that a method discussed has an application to a problem that they have had or can imagine having.


Human-centered Analytics: Design, Measurement, and Analysis
    (PhD Programs in both Management and Analytics)

Previous Courses

University of Notre Dame

Statistical Methods for Managers, 2
    (Master of Science in Business Analytics Program)

Statistical Methods for Managers, 1
    (Master of Science in Business Analytics Program)

Statistical Inference in Business
    (Undergraduate Program)

Introduction to Business Analytics (formerly Quantitative Methods)
    (Executive MBA Program)

Advanced Statistical Inference
    (MBA Program)

Statistics in Business
    (Master of Science in Management Program)

Statistics in Business
    (Undergraduate Program)

Indiana University

Intermediate Graduate Statistics
    (Masters level)

Multivariate Statistics
    (Doctoral Program)

Longitudinal Data Analysis for the Behavioral and Educational Sciences
    (Doctoral Program)

Research on Statistical Issues in the Behavioral and Educational Sciences
    (Doctoral Program)

Multilevel Modeling
    (Doctoral Program)