NSF Workshop on Ethics and Computing

Reliability and Risk: Computers and Nuclear War (08/04/99)
Star Wars: Can the Computing Requirements be Met? (08/5/99)
A Major Malfunction...The Story Behind the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster (11/17/98)
Fighting Fraud: Citizen Action and the Qui Tam Remedy (01/12/00)
A Shared Set of Values (11/17/98)
Copyright and Freedom of Expression on the Internet (11/17/98)
Don't Copy That Floppy (11/17/98)
It Could Have Been So Easy (11/17/98)
The Constitution in Cyberspace (11/17/98)
The Creeping Propertization of Information (11/17/98)
The Internet: Cyber-Hate and Freedom of Speech (11/17/98)
Hi-Tech Hate (11/17/98)
Hate and the Internet (2/11/00)
The KGB, the Computer and Me (08/02/99)
Unauthorized Access: Technological Crime (08/02/99)
Fair Play: Achieving Gender Equity ... (03/01/00)
* Date in parentheses indicates when page was created/last modified.
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