This is a graduate level survey course on control theory. The course topics
are 1) SISO control systems (loopshaping), 2) optimal control (calculus of variations, dynamic programming,
linear quadratic regulator, Markov Decision processes)
3) Robust Multivariate Linear Control (Kalman filter, LQG, uncertainty models,
robust stability/performance, generalized regulators,
mixed sensitivity problem, computational tools), 4) Advanced Stability Theory (Converse Theorems, Invariance Principle,
Input-to-State Stability, Lp stability, Dissipativity, Stabilty of Interconnected Systems, Convex Optimization Tools),
5) Constructive Nonlinear Control (input/output linearization, normal forms,
control Lyapunov functions, backstepping, feedback passivation), 6) Data-driven Control (DMDc, Koopman,
nonlinear adaptive control, reinforcement learning).
Pre-requisites: Prior course work in undergraduate level control systems and graduate level linear systems theory.
- REQUIRED: EE Dept. Lecture Book
- Useful References
- Doyle, Francis Tannenbaum, Feedback Control Theory, 2013, Courier Corp.
- Liberzon, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory, 2012, Princeton Univ. Press
- Fleming and Rishel, Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control, 1972, Springer-Verlag
- Sanchez-Pena and Sznaier, Robust systems theory and applications, 1998, John Wiley
- Khalil, Nonlinear Systems, 2002, Prentice Hall
- Sepulchre, Jankovic, Kokotovic, Constructive nonlinear control, 2012, Springer
- Brunton and Kutz,Data-driven science and engineering, 2022, Cambridge University Press