ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

180. Sources and Bibliography. -- The edition of Abelard's works published in 1616, has been considerably augmented by the researches of DURAND, PEZ, COUSIN, STÖLZLE. The latter has discovered and published Abaelards 1121 zu Soissons verurtheilter Tractatus De Unitate et Trinitate Divina, 1891. The Theologia Christiana was published by MARTÉNE in 1717 (Thesaurus novus anecdot., v., 1139); the Introductio ad Theol. by AMBOISE in 1616; the Epitome and the Dialogus by REINWALD in 1835; the Sic et Non by HENKE (1851) in Migne; the glosses and the Dialectica by COUSIN, Ouvr. inédits d'Abéard pour servir á l'histoire de la philos. scol. en France, 1836: with an Introduction by Cousin. Cf. Migne, v. 178. DE REMUSAT, Abélard, sa vie, sa philosophie et sa théologie, 2 vols., 1855. DEUTSCH, Peter Abaelard, 1883. PORTALIÉ, Abélard (Dict. Théol. Cath., v. i.). E. KAISER, Abélard critique (Fribourg, 1901). Excellent. HEITZ, op. cit., pp. 7.30. PICAVET, Abélard et Alexandre de Halés, créateurs de la méthode scolastique (Bibl. École Hautes Études, Sciences Religieuses, V. Vii.). Good. ENDRES, Ueber den Ursprung n. die Entwickelung der Scholast. Lehrmethode (Philosophisches Jahrbuch, ii., I). Good. G. ROBERT, Abélard créateur de la méthode de la théologie scolastique (Rev. Sciences philos. et théol., 1909). TURNER, Abelard (Catholic Encyclopedia, I.).

Migne has edited Gilbert's De Sex Principiis (v. 184) and commentary on Boëthius (v. 64). A. BERTHAUD, Gilbert de la Porrée et sa philosophie, 1892.

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