261. Sources and Bibliography. -- MATHAEUS AB AQUASPARTA, Quaestiones Disputatae Selectae, t. i., Quaestiones de Fide et de Cognitione (Quaracchi, 1903): critical edition. The same editors are preparing an edition of the works of Richard of Middleton. The Quodlibeta of Olivi were found in 1878 in the Borghese Library. EHRLE, Das Studium d. Handschriften, etc. (240); Dissertatio de Scriptis of St. Bonaventure in the Quaracchi edit., t. x.; the De Humanae Cognitionis Ratione, etc., Prolegomena (257). GRABMANN, Die Philos. u. theol. Erkenntnislehre des Kard. Mathaeus v. Aquasparta (Beitrag z. Gesch. d. Verhältn. zwischen Augustin. und Aristotelismus im mittelalt. Denken, Vienna, 1906). Controversy on the definition of the Council of Vienne, between PALMIERI (Anthropologia, 1875) and ZIGLIARA (De Mente Concilii Vienniensis, 1875); PALMIERI, Animadversiones in Recens Opus de Mente Concilii Vienn. The question has been settled by EHRLE, Olivi's Leben und Schriften (Arch. f. Litt. u. Kirchengesch. d. Mitt., 409, 1887); Zur Vorgeschichte des Concils von Vienne (ibid., ii., p. 1886; iii., p. 1, 1887). Ein Bruchstück d. Acten des Concils von Vienne (ibid., xviii., p. 361); cf. 237. B. JANSEN, Die Definition d. Koncils v. Vienne (Zeitsch. für. Kath. Theol., 1908, pp. 288, 471): gives a résumé of the whole matter.