ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

345. Bibliography. -- The leading work is that of PÈRE MANDONNET, 225, P. i., Étude Critique (Louvain, in the press); P. ii., Textes (Louvain, 1909). Publishes all Siger's works, including the Impossibilia; also an anonymous treatise, De Erroribus Philosophorum, and the text of the 219 propositions condemned in 1277. RENAN, op. cit., 222, P. ii., ch. ii., "L'averroïsme dans la philos. scolast." -- contains numerous errors. PICAVET, L'Averroïsme et les averroïstes du xiiie siècle: follows St. Thomas, De Unitate Intell., etc. (Revue hist. relig., 1902, 24 p.): nothing new. CHOLLET, Averroisme (Dict. Théol. Cath., i., 2628): epitomizes Mandonnet and De Wulf.

BAEUMKER, Die Impossibilia d. Siger von Brabant, eine philosoph. Streitschr. aus d. xiii. Jahrh. (Beitr. s. Gesch. d. Phil. d. Mitt., ii., 6, 1888). Unedited text, with study. Baeumker regards the work as a pamphlet published between 1288 and 1304 (p. 49). in which the theses declared impossible express the views of Siger, whilst the Solutiones or refutations would be the work of an adversary, to whom the pamphlet in its actual form must be attributed. Mandonnet, on the contrary, regards it as the work of Siger exclusively, classifying it among the collections of sophistical or dialectical exercises proposed and solved by the masters at the periodical public disputations. He observes that the doctrines embodied in the Resolutiones tally with those of Siger's edited writings; a decisive test in determining the authorship of the Impossibilia. MANDONNET, op. cit., publishes the following works of Siger: Quaestiones Logicales; Utrum hec sit vera: homo est animal, nullo homine existente; Quaestiones Naturales; De Aeternitate Mundi; Quaestiones de Anima Intellectiva. He publishes, besides, the De Quindecim Problematibus of Albert the Great, and extracts (first five chaps.) from the Tractatus de Erroribus Philosophorum attributed to Giles of Rome. Cf. our Hist. Philos. scot. Pays-Bas, etc., p. 275. For numerous controversies on the subject of Siger's death, see references in BAEUMKER, op. cit., p. 224, and in the Arch. f. Gesch. Philos., 1899; MANDONNET, op. cit., ch. xi.; GASTON PARIS in Romania, 1900; CH. LANGLOIS in the Revue de Paris, 1901, and in the Grande Encyclopedie.

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