ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf


346. Philosophical Sects. -- Underlying many popular sects, which had their origin in the twelfth century, we find certain philosophical doctrines. Such, for instance, were the tenets of the Amauricians, early in the thirteenth century (208, 228). The most tenacious of all, in its variety of forms, was the heresy of the Cathari. Youthful "perfects" of the sect were wont to frequent the schools at Paris, or throughout Italy, in the later years of the Albigensian period, to attack the savants of the Dominican order.{1} The Albanian school which lasted, in Italy, down to the fourteenth century (in two sections, that of Balasinansa, bishop of Verona, and that of John de Lugio), professed an absolute metaphysical dualism (207), in opposition to the mitigated dualism of the sect of Bagnolo.{2} The philosophical opinions of the Cathari are not yet sufficiently explored.{3}

{1} ALPHANDÉRY, Les idées morales chez les hétérodoxes latins au debut du xiiie siècle, p. 92.

{2} Ibid., pp. 92-98, note.

{3} Ibid., p. 141.

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