ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

384. Sources and Bibliography. -- Buridan's logical writings were edited in 1487 (Paris) and 1489 (Venice); his commentaries in 1489, 1500, 1516, 1518 (Paris), and at Oxford in 1637 and 1640. SIEBECK, op. cit., pp. 199 sqq. (336), and Beiträge z. Entstehungsgeschichte d. neueren Psychol. (Progr., Giessen, 1891). DE WULF, Hist. Phil. scol. Pays Bas, etc., p. 293. Strassburg (1490) edition of P. D'Ailly's Comment, on the Sent. E. HARTMANN, Die sinnliche Wahrnehmung nach P. D'Ailly (Phil. Jahrb., 1903, pp. 36 and 139): a good analysis; shows clearly that D'Ailly rejects only the false theory of the species. For D'Ailly's theology and his share in the Council of Constance, see SALEMBIER, in the Dict. Thiol. Cath., t. i., 642 (1900). The logical treatises of Albert of Saxony were edited in 1497 at Venice, his Quaestiones on Ockam's logic in the Expositio Aurea of the latter. MEUNIER, Essai sur La vie et les ouvrages de N. d'Oresme (Paris, 1857); and JOURDAIN, N. d'Oresme et les astrologues de La cour de Charles V. (Excurs., etc.). On Albert of Saxony and Leonard de Vinci, v. DUHEM, Études sur Léonard de Vinci. Ceux qu'il à lu et ceux qui l'ont lu (Paris, 1906 and 1909).

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