JMC : The Metaphysics of the School / by Thomas Harper, S.J.


Formal Conceptual Truth is an accident of thought and, as such, a predicamental quality; while Ontological Truth is convertible and really identical with Being, -- that is to say, it is a Transcendental.

This Proposition follows, as a Corollary, from the doctrine already established.



As Truth is said to consist in a conformity between Intellect and Being; so Falsity may be described as a difformity between Intellect and Being. Since, then, there is a twofold conformity which has received the name of Truth, -- Conformity of Intellect with Being, (which is Conceptual), and conformity of Being with Intellect, (which is Ontological, or Transcendental, Truth); it is natural to inquire, whether there may not be a parallel twofold difformity between the two, -- in other words, whether there may not be Ontological and Conceptual Falsity, as there is Ontological and Conceptual Truth. This is the first point. Next, it follows to examine, in what intellectual act Falsity is properly to be found. Then, it becomes us to determine, in what sense Falsity is predicated of other things besides the intellectual act; after this, to examine into the nature of Falsity; and lastly to determine its origin. These questions will be discussed, according to their order, in the following Theses.

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