Exam II

This exam will be held on Tuesday, March 20 starting at 8:00 am.

Section   Class time          Instructor          BLDG    Room

126A-01    8:30- 9:20         Taylor              STEP    100
126B-01    9:35-10:25         Berenstein          STEP    100
126C-01    9:35-10:25         Denzler             STEP    100
126E-01   10:40-11:30         Denzler             STEP    100
126F-01   11:45-12:35         Hind                STEP    100

A copy of last year's exam is here. Some answers to the partial credit questions are here.

The material to be covered is 6.7-7.6. There will be no calculators permitted.

Two reviews for Exam II will be held on Monday. Students are free to attend either (or both).

2-4pm Taylor      102 DBRT
7-9pm Berenstein  102 DBRT