MATH 211

Computer Programming and Problem Solving

Spring, 1998

TIME: MWF 1:55-2:45 PM.			ROOM: 138 DeBartolo

INSTRUCTOR: Laurence Taylor
OFFICE:     CCMB 232     		PHONE: 1-7468

OFFICE HOURS: Tue./Thur. 8am or by appointment.

TEXT: The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition
      B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie

MIDTERM: Monday, March 2, 1998 in class.  A sample is here. The solution to this semester's midterm is here.

FINAL:   Friday, May 8, 1998  8-10am Rm. 138 DeBartolo. A sample is here.

Assignments are here. The last assignment is due Friday May 8 at 8am.

Code examples are here.

Programming Contest Information is here.

Grading, Honor Code, etc.

Computer Issues.