1) Introduction
2) Libelli and Early Sacramentaries
3) Non-Roman Western Rites
4) The Ordines Romani
5) Visit of Ambrosian Collection and Rare Books Room at the Hesburgh Library of Notre Dame
6) Early Lectionaries and Collectars
7) Pontificals and Rituals (I)
8) Antiphonars and Tropers.
9) The Mass before 1200: the Roman Canon, the ordo missae, sacerdotal apologies, expositionaes missae
10) The "Full Missal" and Breviary
11) Pontificals and Rituals (II)
12) English Liturgy and Medieval Eucharistic Devotions
13) Cult of the Saints and the Blessed Virgin in the Middle Ages
14 and 15) Semester Projects
Session 1- Introduction and Historical Background
General Reading:
*É. Palazzo, xvii-61.
Session 2 - Libelli and Early Sacramentaries
Report 1: Roman Liturgy: Architectural Setting
Report 2: The Veronensis
Report 3: The "Old" Gelasian (Vat. Reg. lat. 316)
Report 4: Eighth-Century Gelasian Sacramentary
Report 5: The Gregorian Sacramentary
General Reading:
*C. Vogel, 1-59.
*T. Klauser, 1-44.
J. Jungmann, MRR I, 1-260.
J. Deschusses, "The Sacramentaries: A Progress Report," Liturgy 18:1
(Cistercians of the Strict Observance, KY, 1984) 13-60 (BX 1970 A1 L57).
Report 1: The Gallican Rite
Report 2: The Celtic Rite
Report 3: The Mozarabic Rite
Report 4: The Ambrosian/Milanese Rite
General Reading:
*C. Vogel, 107-134; 273-289.
J. Leonard, "Traditions, Liturgical, in the West: Pre-Reformation,"
New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship, 1282-1293.
J. Jungmann, "The Defeat of Teutonic Arianism," Pastoral Liturgy 1-47.
Session 4 - The Ordines Romani
Report 1: The Editions
Report 2: Ordo Romanus Primus
Report 3: Funerals in OORR
Report 4: Dedication of a Church in the OORR
General Reading:
*É. Palazzo, 173-194.
*C. Vogel, 135-224
*T. Klauser, 59-72.
Session 7 - Pontificals and Rituals (I)
Report 1: The PRG
Report 2: The Roman Pontifical of the 12th century
Report 3: Origins: Early Medieval Pontificals
General Reading:
*É. Palazzo, 187-212.
*C. Vogel, 225-251.
N. K. Rasmussen, "Unité et diversité des Pontificaux latins aux VIIIe, IXe, et Xe siècles," in Liturgie et l'Église particulière et liturgie de l'Église universelle (Conférence Saint-Serge 1975) 393-410.
Session 8 - Antiphonars and Tropers
Report 1: Antiphonaries
Report 2: Tropes
Report 3: Hymns
Report 4: Liturgical Drama: The Quem Quaeritis
General Reading:
*É. Palazzo, 63-82.
*C. Vogel, 357-367.
T. Elich, "Using Liturgical Texts in the Middle Ages," in G. Austen, ed., Fountain of Life , 69-73.
E. Foley, "The Cantor in Historical Perspective," in Worship 56(1982) 194-213.
"Antiphonal" (vol. 1, 329-330); "Troper" (vol. 12, 208); "Tropes to Ordinary/Proper of the Mass" (vol 12, 208-213) in Dictionary of the Middle Ages (MI: D 114 .D5 1982).
Session 9 - The Mass before 1200: the Roman Canon, the ordo missae,sacerdotal apologies, expositionaes missae.
Report 1: The Mass before 1200
Report 2: The Ordo Missae
Report 3: Sacerdotal Apologies
Report 4: Expositiones Missae
General Reading:
*Klauser, 1-116.
Session 10 - The "Full Missal" and Breviary
Report 1: The 'Full Missal'
Report 2: The Breviary
Report 3: The Monastic Office: The Office of the Dead
General Reading:
*É. Palazzo, 113-144.
P.-M. Gy, "L'Unification liturgique de l'occident et la liturgie de
la Curie romaine," Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques
59(1975) 601-612. [Særtyryk 657].
*Klauser, 101-152.
Session 11 - Pontificals and Rituals (II)
Report 1: The Pontifical of the Roman Curia of the XIII Century
Report 2: The Pontifical of William Durandus
Report 3: William Durand, Bishop of Mende, liturgist
Report 4: Medieval Marriage Liturgy
General Reading:
*É. Palazzo, 213-235.
*Vogel, 252-265.
R. E. Reynolds, "Pontifical," DMA 10(1988) 30-31.
P.-M. Gy, "Ritual," DMA 10(1988) 407-409.
R. Zawilla, "Durand, Guillaume," DMA 4(1984) 314-315.
Session 12 - Medieval English Liturgy and Eucharistic Devotions
Report 1: The Sarum Rite
Report 2: The York Rite
Report 3: English Coronation Rite
Report 4: Eucharistic Devotions
General Reading:
C. Brooke, "Prescription and Reality in the Rubrics of the Sarum Rite
Service Books," in Intellectual Life in the Middle Ages: Essays Presented
to Margaret Gibson (London, 1992) MI: CB 351 .I57 1992.
Session 13 - Cult of the Saints and the BVM in the Middle Ages
Report 1: Liturgical References to the BVM
Report 2: Development of the Office of the BVM
Report 3: Liturgical and Devotional Sources for Cult on a Popular Saint
General Reading:
M. Driscoll, "Cult of the Saints," in The New Dictionary of Sacramental
Worship, Peter Fink, S.J., ed., (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1990)
M. Warner, Marina, Alone of all her sex : the myth and the cult of the Virgin Mary (New York : Vintage Books, 1983). BT602 .W37 1976.
Sessions 14 and 15 - Semester Projects
En.tr. English translation
MI Medieval Institute (Hesburg Library 7th floor)
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