Over a semester there are typically several weekend trips to the Red River Gorge in Kentucky where we camp at Miguel's Pizza (pictured above). During the winter months there may be trips to climbing gyms nearby or Peabody Ice Climbing in Michigan. In the past we've gone to Vertical Endeavors in Chicago and Hoosier Heights in Indianapolis. We typically have a fall break trip during which we've gone to Shelf Road in Colorado, Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Arkansas, Foster Falls and Stone Fort in Chattanooga, and many other locations in the past! Officers have also taken personal trips to Holy Boulders for their annual bouldering comp in November.
Please make sure you can commit before signing up for trips as last-minute cancellations can get complicated. In order to go on an outdoor trip you must:
Sept. 21-23: Red River Gorge, Kentucky
Oct. 26-28: Red River Gorge, Kentucky
Nov. 2-4: Red River Gorge, Kentucky
Good, solid walking shoes
Socks. Several socks.
Your favorite climbing clothes
Your second favorite climbing clothes (though most of us won't change over the weekend)
A jacket
Rain gear - it only rains when you forget to bring it
Toiletry necessities (we aren't savages) (but you won't need shower supplies because it costs $$$)
2 water bottles
Headlamp/ flashlight/ lantern if you have one
Food for lunch (and breakfast/ dinner if you don't want Miguel's)
$ for Miguel's Pizza (and Miguel's memorabilia from the gear shop)
The club will provide:
Climbing Gear (but remember to grab it from the wall!)
Sleeping bags
Sleeping pads
But you're welcome to bring your own if you prefer.
Remember: it's best to be prepared for anything, but we do have limited space so pack lightly!