Nom Simulators


AlphaStep is a reference implementation that is coded in Delphi 6 and runs under Windows. It is a demonstration of the NOM conceptual model that doesn't have web and collaboration features. AlphaStep simulates a variety of chemical and biological transformations, but does not simulate any type of transport and does not represent the spatial properties of NOM. AlphaStep is intended as a stand-alone application to allow ecologists, geochemists and environmental scientists to explore possible routes of NOM transformation. AlphaStep can be downloaded below:

Web-Based Simulations

The other four implementations are coded using Java programming language (Sun JDK 1.4.2) and Swarm and Repast software. Swarm is a software package for simulating complex systems that was developed at the Santa Fe Institute. It is a set of libraries that facilitates the implementation of agent-based models. RePast is a Swarmlike agent-based simulation toolkit written in pure Java language. It was developed by the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. Swarm and Repast provide versatile random number generators and distributions, both essential to stochastic computer simulations. Also, these toolkits provide high level visualization capabilities. A control panel allows a running model to be stopped, restarted, or executed step by step. They also allow modelers to visualize the current state of the running model and probe every object in the model. An animation window shows the location of individual agents in a space. Line graphs and histograms are used to illustrate changes in collections of model objects that occur during the simulation. Additionally, simulation data, such as population size over time, can be reported periodically as the model executes. Access to the online Web-Based NOM Simulators is provided at:

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