
The goal of this project is to build a simple application using the Python programming language and the Tornado web framework.

To record your work, create the necessary Python scripts, HTML files, and Jupyter Notebooks in the project02 folder.

This Project assignment is due at the beginning of class Thursday, December 8, 2016 and is to be done individually or in pairs.


Both members of each pair should submit a Notebook. Be sure to identify your partner at the top of the Notebook.


For this activity, you are to build a web application that meets the requirements below.

Here are some possible web applications ideas:

  1. Search engine for local files
  2. Search engine for a local set of bookmarks/favorite links
  3. Guest book / Message board
  4. Image gallery
  5. Todo / Organizer
  6. Calculator / Math Formula Processor
  7. Survey
  8. Personality tester

There are all sorts of things you can do! If you have a question about a possible idea, please discuss it with the instructor.

Client-Side Requirements

The HTML or client-side code produced by the web application must meet the following requirements:

  1. Web page displays at least one link to the internal web application.
  2. Web page displays at least one link to an external website.
  3. Web page displays at least one image.
  4. Web page displays a list or table.

Server-Side Requirements

The Tornado or server-side code must meet the following requirements:

  1. Web application processes user input via a form.
  2. Web application uses data read from a local file.
  3. Web application uses a loop of some sort.
  4. Web application uses a data structure such as a list or dict.

Extra Credit

You may choose to do the following to earn extra credit:

  1. Utilize audio or video.
  2. Utilize external data from another web service (e.g JSON via Requests).
  3. Utilize client-side tools such as Bootstrap or Font Awesome to improve appearance.


To submit your work, follow the same directions for Notebook 01, except store all the files related to this assignment in the project02 folder.

Your group will be required to present your web application in class on Thursday, December 8, 2016. Each presentation should be no more than 2 or 3 minutes and should:

  1. Describe the purpose and design of the web application.
  2. Discuss the role of each member in the group.
  3. Demonstrate the web application.
  4. Analyze the result of the project (what works, what doesn't work, etc.).