The goal of this project is to allow you to practice using low-level system calls related to sockets and networking. To do this, you will create two new programs:

  1. This is a basic HTTP client that will hammer a remote HTTP server by making multiple requests.

  2. spidey.c: This is a basic HTTP server that supports directory listings, static files, and CGI scripts.

Once you have these programs, you will conduct an experiment using to test the latency and throughput of

For this project, you are to work in groups of 2 or 3 and record your source code and any responses to a new project02 GitLab repository. You should push your work to your GitLab repository by 11:59 PM Friday, May 5, 2017.

Activity 0: GitLab Repository

Because you will be working in groups, you will need to fork and clone a new project02 repository:

To do this, you should follow the same instructions from Reading 00 (except adjust for the different repository location). Besure to do the following:

  1. Make your project02 repository is private.

  2. Give the teaching staff and your group members developer access to your project02 repository.

  3. Record your group members in the Project Description and in the

Note: You should only have one repository per group.

Once forked, you should clone your repository to a local machine. Inside the project02 folder, you should see the following files:

    \_ www                    # This is the default web root directory
        \_ html               # This is a folder for HTML documents
            \_ index.html     # This is an example HTML document
        \_ scripts            # This is a folder for CGI scripts
            \_      # This is an example CGI script
            \_         # This is an example CGI script
        \_ text               # This is a folder for text documents
            \_ hackers.txt    # This is an example text document
    \_ Makefile               # This is the Makefile for building all the project artifacts
    \_              # This is the README file for recording your responses
    \_ forking.c              # This is the C99 implementation file for the forking mode
    \_ handler.c              # This is the C99 implementation file for the handler functions
    \_ request.c              # This is the C99 implementation file for the request functions
    \_ single.c               # This is the C99 implementation file for the single mode
    \_ socket.c               # This is the C99 implementation file for the socket functions
    \_ spidey.c               # This is the C99 implementation file for the main execution
    \_ spidey.h               # This is the C99 header file for the project
    \_                # This is the Python script for the HTTP client
    \_ utils.c                # This is the C99 implementation file for various utility functions

The details on what you need to implement are described in the following sections.

Activity 1: Thor

The first program is, which is a basic HTTP client similar to curl or wget that supports the following features:

  1. Performs HTTP GET requests using the requests package.

  2. Supports utilizing multiple processes using the multiprocessing package.

  3. Performs multiple requests per process.

  4. Computes the elapsed times for each HTTP request.


As shown above, uses the multiprocessing module to start multiple processes. Each process than makes multiple HTTP requests using the [reqeusts] module. Each HTTP request is timed using the time module and the elapsed time is displayed. Likewise, the average elapsed time for each process is also displayed, along with the average elapsed time for all the requests across all processes.


Given a URL, uses the HTTP protocol to fetch the contents of the URL. The -r flag sets the number of HTTP requests to be made per process (default is 1), while -p sets the number of processes to execute in parallel (default is 1). The -v flag forces the program to dump the contents of the URL to standard output.

Help Message

# Display help message
    -h              Display help message
    -v              Display verbose output

    -p  PROCESSES   Number of processes to utilize (1)
    -r  REQUESTS    Number of requests per process (1)


Below are some examples of in action:

Single Request

# Perform single request
$ ./
Process: 0, Request: 0, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, AVERAGE   , Elapsed Time: 0.03

Multiple Requests

# Perform 10 requests
$ ./ -r 10
Process: 0, Request: 0, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, Request: 1, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, Request: 2, Elapsed Time: 0.02
Process: 0, Request: 3, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, Request: 4, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, Request: 5, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, Request: 6, Elapsed Time: 0.02
Process: 0, Request: 7, Elapsed Time: 0.02
Process: 0, Request: 8, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, Request: 9, Elapsed Time: 0.02
Process: 0, AVERAGE   , Elapsed Time: 0.03

Multiple Requests with Multiple Processes

# Perform 5 requests with 5 processes
$ ./ -r 5 -p 5
Process: 2, Request: 0, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 4, Request: 0, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, Request: 0, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 1, Request: 0, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 3, Request: 0, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 2, Request: 1, Elapsed Time: 0.02
Process: 0, Request: 1, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 1, Request: 1, Elapsed Time: 0.02
Process: 4, Request: 1, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 3, Request: 1, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 2, Request: 2, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, Request: 2, Elapsed Time: 0.02
Process: 1, Request: 2, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 4, Request: 2, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 3, Request: 2, Elapsed Time: 0.02
Process: 0, Request: 3, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 2, Request: 3, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 3, Request: 3, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 1, Request: 3, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 4, Request: 3, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 2, Request: 4, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, Request: 4, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, AVERAGE   , Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 2, AVERAGE   , Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 3, Request: 4, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 3, AVERAGE   , Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 1, Request: 4, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 1, AVERAGE   , Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 4, Request: 4, Elapsed Time: 0.02
Process: 4, AVERAGE   , Elapsed Time: 0.03

Single Request with Verbose Output

# Perform single request with verbose output
$ ./ -v
<!doctype html>
    <title>Example Domain</title>

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
        background-color: #f0f0f2;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        font-family: "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

    div {
        width: 600px;
        margin: 5em auto;
        padding: 50px;
        background-color: #fff;
        border-radius: 1em;
    a:link, a:visited {
        color: #38488f;
        text-decoration: none;
    @media (max-width: 700px) {
        body {
            background-color: #fff;
        div {
            width: auto;
            margin: 0 auto;
            border-radius: 0;
            padding: 1em;

    <h1>Example Domain</h1>
    <p>This domain is established to be used for illustrative examples in documents. You may use this
    domain in examples without prior coordination or asking for permission.</p>
    <p><a href="">More information...</a></p>

Process: 0, Request: 0, Elapsed Time: 0.03
Process: 0, AVERAGE   , Elapsed Time: 0.03


Activity 2: Spidey

The second program is spidey, which is a basic HTTP server similar to Apache or NGINX that supports the following features:

An example of spidey in action can be found at:


Overall, the implementation of a HTTP server is straightforward:

  1. First, we allocate a server socket, bind it to a port, and then listen for incoming connections.

  2. Next, we accept an incoming client connection and parse the input data stream into a HTTP request structure.

  3. Based on the request's parameters, we then form a response and send it back to the client.

  4. Continue to perform steps 2 and 3 for as long as the server is running. If we are in forking mode, then we simply fork after we accept a connection and let the child process handle parsing and responding to the request. Otherwise, we simply handle one client at a time in single connection mode.


When executed, spidey opens a socket on the PORT specified by the -p flag (default is 9898) and handles HTTP requests for files in the path directory specified by the -d flag (default is the www folder in the current directory). If -c forking is specified, then spidey will fork a child process for each incoming client request. The user may also set the default mimetype for files via the -M flag and set the path to the mime.types file via the -m flag (default is /etc/mime.types).

Help Message

# Display help message
$ ./spidey -h
Usage: ./spidey [hcmMpr]
    -h            Display help message
    -c mode       Single or Forking mode
    -m path       Path to mimetypes file
    -M mimetype   Default mimetype
    -p port       Port to listen on
    -r path       Root directory


Below are some examples of spidey in action:

Single Connection Mode (with defaults)

$ ./spidey
[ 3734] LOG     spidey.c:86   Listening on port 9898
[ 3734] DEBUG   spidey.c:87   RootPath        = /home/pbui/src/teaching/cse.20289.sp17/project02.pbui/www
[ 3734] DEBUG   spidey.c:88   MimeTypesPath   = /etc/mime.types
[ 3734] DEBUG   spidey.c:89   DefaultMimeType = text/plain
[ 3734] DEBUG   spidey.c:90   ConcurrencyMode = Single
[ 3734] LOG    request.c:61   Accepted request from
[ 3734] DEBUG  request.c:181  HTTP METHOD: GET
[ 3734] DEBUG  request.c:182  HTTP URI:    /
[ 3734] DEBUG  request.c:183  HTTP QUERY:
[ 3734] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER Host =
[ 3734] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER User-Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0
[ 3734] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER Accept = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
[ 3734] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER Accept-Language = en-US,en;q=0.5
[ 3734] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER Accept-Encoding = gzip, deflate
[ 3734] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER Connection = keep-alive
[ 3734] DEBUG  handler.c:39   HTTP REQUEST PATH: /home/pbui/src/teaching/cse.20289.sp17/project02.pbui/www
[ 3734] DEBUG  handler.c:47   HTTP REQUEST TYPE: BROWSE
[ 3734] LOG    handler.c:64   HTTP REQUEST STATUS: 200 OK

Forking Connection Mode (with defaults)

$ ./spidey -c forking
[ 3764] LOG     spidey.c:86   Listening on port 9898
[ 3764] DEBUG   spidey.c:87   RootPath        = /home/pbui/src/teaching/cse.20289.sp17/project02.pbui/www
[ 3764] DEBUG   spidey.c:88   MimeTypesPath   = /etc/mime.types
[ 3764] DEBUG   spidey.c:89   DefaultMimeType = text/plain
[ 3764] DEBUG   spidey.c:90   ConcurrencyMode = Forking
[ 3764] LOG    request.c:61   Accepted request from
[ 3765] DEBUG  forking.c:42   Child process: 3765
[ 3765] DEBUG  request.c:181  HTTP METHOD: GET
[ 3765] DEBUG  request.c:182  HTTP URI:    /
[ 3765] DEBUG  request.c:183  HTTP QUERY:
[ 3765] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER Host =
[ 3765] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER User-Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0
[ 3765] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER Accept = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
[ 3765] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER Accept-Language = en-US,en;q=0.5
[ 3765] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER Accept-Encoding = gzip, deflate
[ 3765] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER Connection = keep-alive
[ 3765] DEBUG  request.c:255  HTTP HEADER Cache-Control = max-age=0
[ 3765] DEBUG  handler.c:39   HTTP REQUEST PATH: /home/pbui/src/teaching/cse.20289.sp17/project02.pbui/www
[ 3765] DEBUG  handler.c:47   HTTP REQUEST TYPE: BROWSE
[ 3765] LOG    handler.c:64   HTTP REQUEST STATUS: 200 OK


As usual, the Makefile contains all the rules or recipes for building the project artifacts (e.g. spidey, etc.). Although the provided Makefile contains most of the variable definitions and test recipes, you must add the appropriate rules for spidey and any intermediate objects. The dependencies for these targets are shown in the DAG below:

Makefile Variables

You must use the CC, CFLAGS, LD, and LDFLAGS variables when appropriate in your rules.

Once you have a working Makefile, you should be able to run the following commands:

# Build spidey
$ make
Compiling forking.o...
Compiling handler.o...
Compiling request.o...
Compiling single.o...
Compiling socket.o...
Compiling spidey.o...
Compiling utils.o...
Linking spidey...

# Simulate build with tracing output
$ make -n
echo Compiling forking.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -c -o forking.o forking.c
echo Compiling handler.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -c -o handler.o handler.c
echo Compiling request.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -c -o request.o request.c
echo Compiling single.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -c -o single.o single.c
echo Compiling socket.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -c -o socket.o socket.c
echo Compiling spidey.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -c -o spidey.o spidey.c
echo Compiling utils.o...
gcc -g -gdwarf-2 -Wall -std=gnu99 -c -o utils.o utils.c
echo Linking spidey...
gcc -L. -o spidey forking.o handler.o request.o single.o socket.o spidey.o utils.o

Depending on your compiler, you may see some warnings with the initial starter code.

Memory Issues

Your program must also be free of memory issues such as invalid memory accesses and memory leaks. Use valgrind to verify the correctness of your program:

$ valgrind --leak-check=full ./spidey

Be sure to check using different command line arguments as well to ensure you verify all code paths.


To implement part 1, you must implement the socket_listen function in the socket.c source file. You may use echo_server_forking.c as inspiration.

HTTP Requests

To implement part 2, you must implement the accept_request, free_request, parse_request, parse_request_method, and parse_request_headers functions in the request.c source file. These functions are used to accept in incoming client connection and to parse the request into a struct with the following fields:

struct request {
    int   fd;                   /*< Client socket file descriptor */
    FILE *file;                 /*< Client socket file stream */
    char *method;               /*< HTTP method */
    char *uri;                  /*< HTTP URI */
    char *path;                 /*< Real path corresponding to URI and RootPath */
    char *query;                /*< HTTP query string */

    char host[NI_MAXHOST];      /*< Client hostname/address */
    char port[NI_MAXHOST];      /*< Client port */

    struct header *headers;     /*< List of name, value pairs */

For example, suppose a client connected to an instance of spidey from and requested the URI: /script.cgi?q=monkeys using the following HTTP request:

GET /script.cgi?q=monkeys HTTP/1.1

The request struct would then contain the following information such as:

method      = GET
uri         = /script.cgi
path        = /tmp/spidey/www/script.cgi
query       = q=monkeys
host        =
port        = 54321
headers     = [{Host:}]

HTTP Response

To implement part 3, you must implement handle_request, handle_browse_request, handle_file_request, and handle_error. The first function is used to analyze the request and then dispatch the appropriate handler:

  1. handle_browse_request: The requested URI is a directory, and so the server will list all the contents of the directory in lexicographical order.

  2. handle_cgi_request: The requested URI is an executable file, and so the server will execute the file as a CGI script and send the output of the script to the client.

  3. handle_file_request: The requested URI is a readable file, and so the server will simply open and read the specified file and send it to the client.

  4. handle_error: There was an error in the request or in processing the request, so send the user an hilarious and vague error message. Although HTTP has quite a few HTTP status codes, we are only concerned with a handful: 200, 400, 404, and 500.

To implement these functions, you will also need to implement the determine_mimetype, determine_request_path, determine_request_type, and http_status_string functions in utils.c. Details about these functions can be found in the associated code skeletons.

In general, a valid HTTP response looks like this:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html


The first line contains the HTTP status code for the request. The second line instructs the client (i.e. web browser) what type of data to expect (i.e. mimetype). Each of these lines should be terminated with \r\n. Additionally, it is important that after the Content-Type line you include a blank line consisting of only \r\n. Most web clients will expect this blank line before parsing for the actual content.


To enable CGI scripts to receive input from the HTTP client, we must pass the request parameters to the CGI script via environmental variables. A list of such variables can be found here and here. For this project, we are mainly concerned with: DOCUMENT_ROOT, QUERY_STRING, REMOTE_ADDR, REMOTE_PORT, REQUEST_METHOD, REQUEST_URI, SCRIPT_FILENAME, SERVER_PORT, HTTP_HOST, HTTP_ACCEPT, HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING, HTTP_CONNECTION, and HTTP_USER_AGENT.

Our strategy for implementing CGI is to simply export the variables to the environment and then call popen on the script.

Two example CGI scripts are provided for you to test in the starter code directory.


If your CGI script doesn't work, it could be because cowsay is not your PATH. To fix this, add the following to the top of

export PATH=$PATH:/afs/

Concurrency Modes

As noted above, spidey supports a single connection mode (the default), and a forking mode. In single mode, one connection is handled at a time and thus there is no concurrency. In forking mode, a child process is forked after accepting a request and used to handle the request, thus allowing for multiple requests to be processed at the same time.

Because of the architecture of the spidey project, we only need to implement a high-level dispatch function for each of the modes and do not need to re-write any of the handlers or request functions.


To help you debug and monitor your webserver, you should use the log and debug macros liberally to record what is happening in your server. For instance, consider the following types of events:

Some of starter code already contains log and debug calls and you should follow that example. Basically if knowing if this information is useful in debugging or monitoring the system, then you should log it!












Error Handling

Your program should check if system calls or functions fail and handle those situations accordingly.

Activity 3: Experiments

Once you have completed both and spidey, you are to conduct expermients that answer the following questions:

  1. What is the average latency of spidey in single connection vs forking mode for: directory listings, static files, CGI scripts?

  2. What is the average throughput of spidey in single connection vs forking mode for: small static files (1KB), medium static files (1MB), and large static files (1GB)?

For each question, you must determine how you want to explore the question and how you wish to use to test spidey.

You should create shell scripts to automate running your experiments multiple times to generate a reasonable amount of data.

Different Machines

To get reasonable times, be sure that you have the client and server running on different machines.


In your, briefly respond to the following prompts:

  1. Summarize what was accomplished in the project (ie. what worked and what didn't work) and how the work was divided among the group members.

  2. Describe how your group went about measuring the average latency of the different types of requests. You should have a markdown table produced by your experiements that you analyze and explain.

  3. Describe how your group went about measuring the average throughput of the different file sizes. You should have a markdown table produced by your experiements that you analyze and explain.

  4. Discuss the results of your experiments and explain why you received the results you did. What are the advantages and disadvantages to the forking model?

  5. Wrap up the report by describing what you learned from not only the experiments but also the lab assignment as a whole.

Guru Point: Web Programming (1 Point)

For extra credit, you are to extend your spidey.c HTTP server to do any of the following:

  1. Use Bootstrap to make directory listings and error pages more visually pleasing.

  2. Display thumbnails for images in directory listings.

  3. Write a guest book CGI script that allows users to add entries to a running message board.

  4. Write a survey or personality test CGI script.

  5. Write a multiple-choice quiz CGI script of the topic of your choice.

To receive credit, you must show a TA or the instructor your code and a demonstration of it in action.


To submit your assignment, please commit your work your project02 repository on GitLab. Your project02 folder should only contain at the following files: