
The last project is to build a simplified version of the Unix File System called SimpleFS as shown to the right. In this application, we have three components:

  1. Shell: The first component is a simple shell application that allows the user to perform operations on the SimpleFS such as printing debugging information about the file system, formatting a new file system, mounting a file system, creating files, and copying data in or out of the file system. To do this, it will translate these user commands into file system operations such as fs_debug, fs_format, fs_create, fs_remove, fs_stat, fs_read, and fs_write.

  2. File System: The second component takes the operations specified by the user through the shell and performs them on the SimpleFS disk image. This component is charged with organizing the on-disk data structures and performing all the bookkeeping necessary to allow for persistent storage of data. To store the data, it will need to interact with the disk emulator via functions such as disk_read and disk_write, which allow the file system read and write to the disk image in 4096 byte blocks.

  3. Disk Emulator: The third component emulates a disk by dividing a normal file (called a disk image) into 4096 byte blocks and only allows the File System to read and write in terms of blocks. This emulator will persistently store the data to the disk image using the normal open, read, and write system calls.

The shell component is provided to you. You will have to complete both the file system and disk emulator portion of the application for this project.

Simple File System Design

To implement the file system component, you will first need to understand the SimpleFS disk layout. As noted previously, this project assumes that each disk block is 4KB in size. The first block of the disk is the superblock that describes the layout of the rest of the filesystem. A certain number of blocks following the superblock contain inode data structures (ie. the inode table). Typically, ten percent of the total number of disk blocks are used as inode blocks (i.e. blocks reserved for storing the inode table). The remaining blocks in the filesystem are used as plain data blocks, and occasionally as indirect pointer blocks as shown in the example below:

In this example, we have a SimpleFS disk image that begins with a superblock. This superblock consists of four fields:

  1. Magic: The first field is always the MAGIC_NUMBER or 0xf0f03410. The format routine places this number into the very first bytes of the superblock as a sort of filesystem "signature". When the filesystem is mounted, the OS looks for this magic number. If it is correct, then the disk is assumed to contain a valid filesystem. If some other number is present, then the mount fails, perhaps because the disk is not formatted or contains some other kind of data.

  2. Blocks: The second field is the total number of blocks, which should be the same as the number of blocks on the disk.

  3. InodeBlocks: The third field is the number of blocks set aside for storing inodes. The format routine is responsible for choosing this value, which should always be 10% of the Blocks, rounding up.

  4. Inodes: The fourth field is the total number of inodes in those inode blocks.

Note that the superblock data structure is quite small: only 16 bytes. The remainder of disk block zero is left unusued.

Each inode in SimpleFS looks like the file:

Each field of the inode is a 4-byte (32-bit) integer. The Valid field is 1 if the inode is valid (i.e. has been created) and is 0 otherwise. The Size field contains the logical size of the inode data in bytes. There are 5 direct pointers to data blocks, and one pointer to an indirect data block. In this context, "pointer" simply means the number of a block where data may be found. A value of 0 may be used to indicate a null block pointer. Each inode occupies 32 bytes, so there are 128 inodes in each 4KB inode block.

Note that an indirect data block is just a big array of pointers to further data blocks. Each pointer is a 4-byte int, and each block is 4KB, so there are 1024 pointers per block. The data blocks are simply 4KB of raw data.

One thing missing in SimpleFS is the free block bitmap. As discussed in class, a real filesystem would keep a free block bitmap on disk, recording one bit for each block that was available or in use. This bitmap would be consulted and updated every time the filesystem needed to add or remove a data block from an inode.

Because SimpleFS does not store this on-disk, you are required to keep a free block bitmap in memory. That is, there must be an array of booleans, one for each block of the disk, noting whether the block is in use or available. When it is necessary to allocate a new block for a file, the system must scan through the array to locate an available block. When a block is freed, it likewise must be marked in the bitmap.

Suppose that the user makes some changes to a SimpleFS filesystem, and then reboots the system (ie. restarts the shell). Without a free block bitmap, SimpleFS cannot tell which blocks are in use and which are free. Fortunately, this information can be recovered by scanning the disk. Each time that an SimpleFS filesystem is mounted, the system must build a new free block bitmap from scratch by scanning through all of the inodes and recording which blocks are in use. (This is much like performing an fsck every time the system boots.)

SimpleFS looks much like the Unix file system. Each "file" is identified by an integer called an inode number. The inode number is simply an index into the array of inode structures that starts in block 1. When a file is created, SimpleFS chooses the first available inode and returns the corresponding inode number to the user. All further references to that file are made using the inode number. Using SimpleFS as a foundation, you could easily add another layer of software that implements file and directory names. However, that will not be part of this assignment.

More details about this project and your deliverables are described below.

File Systems

While it may seem that file systems are a solved problem with venerable examples such as Ext4, XFS, and NTFS, the growth in big data and the emergence of SSDs as the primary storage medium has once again made file systems a hot topic. Today, we have next-generation file systems in the form of ZFS, Btrfs, and AppleFS, which build upon the foundation set by previous file systems. In this assignment, you will explore the core principles about file systems and how they work.

Note: This assignment is based heavily on Project 6: File Systems by Doug Thain.


Working in groups of one or two people (three is permitted, but discouraged), you are to create a library that implements the Disk and FileSystem components described above and demonstrate it to a member of the instructional staff by Friday, December 7, 2018.

For this project, you must use C (not C++) as the implementation language. Any test scripts or auxillary tools can be written in any reasonable scripting language.


Here is a timeline of events related to this project:

Date Event
Wednesday, November 21 Project description and repository are available.
Friday, December 7 Demonstrations of file system completed.


To start this project, one group member must fork the Project 06 repository on GitLab:


Once this repository has been forked, follow the instructions from Reading 00 to:

  1. Make the repository private.

  2. Configure access to the repository.

    Make sure you add all the members of the team in addition to the instructional staff.

Source Code

As you can see, the base Project 06 repository contains a README.md file and the following folder hierarchy:

    \_  Makefile            # This is the project Makefile
    \_  bin                 # This contains the application executables and test scripts
    \_  data                # This conatins the test Disk images
    \_  include             # This contains the SimpleFS library header files
        \_  sfs
            \_  disk.h      # This contains the Disk Emulator header file
            \_  fs.h        # This contains the File System header file
            \_  logging.h   # This contains the Logging header file
            \_  utils.h     # This contains the Utilities header file
    \_  src
        \_  library
            \_  disk.c      # This contains the Disk Emulator implementation code
            \_  fs.c        # This contains the File System implementation code
        \_  shell
            \_  sfssh.c     # This contains the Shell implementation code
        \_  tests           # This contains the Unit Test implementation code
            \_  unit_disk.c # This contains the Disk Unit Test implementation code
            \_  unit_fs.c   # This contains the File System Unit Test implementation code

You must maintain this folder structure for your project and place files in their appropriate place.

Of the provided files, you are only required to modify the src/library/disk.c and src/library/fs.c files as described below.


To help you get started, we have provided a Makefile with all the necessary targets:

$ make              # Build libraries, shell, and tests
Compiling src/library/disk.o
Compiling src/library/fs.o
Linking   lib/libsfs.a
Compiling src/tests/unit_fs.o
Linking   bin/unit_fs
Compiling src/tests/unit_disk.o
Linking   bin/unit_disk
Compiling src/shell/sfssh.o
Linking   bin/sfssh

$ make clean        # Remove all targets and intermediate files
Removing  objects
Removing  libraries
Removing  programs
Removing  tests


While the exact organization of the project code is up to you, keep in mind that you will be graded in part on coding style, cleaniness, and organization. This means your code should be consistently formatted, not contain any dead code, have reasonable comments, and appropriate naming among other things:

Please refer to these Coding Style slides for some tips and guidelines on coding style expectations.

Disk Emulator

As noted above, we must implement a simple disk emulator on which to store your filesystem. This "disk" is actually stored as one big file in the file system, so that you can save data in a disk image and then retrieve it later. In addition, we provide you with some sample disk images that you can experiment with to test your filesystem (in the data directory). Just like a real disk, the emulator only allows operations on entire disk blocks of 4 KB (BLOCK_SIZE). You cannot read or write any smaller unit than than that. The primary challenge of building a filesystem is converting the user's requested operations on arbitrary amounts of data into operations on fixed block sizes.

The interface to the simulated disk is given in include/sfs/disk.h:

/* Disk Structure */

typedef struct Disk Disk;
struct Disk {
    int     fd;         /* File descriptor of disk image        */
    size_t  blocks;     /* Number of blocks in disk image       */
    size_t  reads;      /* Number of reads to disk image        */
    size_t  writes;     /* Number of writes to disk image       */
    bool    mounted;    /* Whether or not disk is mounted       */

/* Disk Functions */

Disk *  disk_open(const char *path, size_t blocks);
void    disk_close(Disk *disk);

ssize_t disk_read(Disk *disk, size_t block, char *data);
ssize_t disk_write(Disk *disk, size_t block, char *data);

Before performing any sort of operation on the disk, you must call disk_open() method and specify a (real) disk image for storing the disk data, and the number of blocks in the simulated disk. If this function is called on a disk image that already exists, the contained data will not be changed. When you are done using the disk, the disk_close must be called to release the file.

Once the disk is open, you may check disk->blocks to discover the number of blocks on the disk. As the names suggest, disk_read() and disk_write() read and write one block of data on the disk. Notice that the first argument is a block number, so a call to disk_read(disk, 0, data) reads the first 4KB of data on the disk, and disk_read(disk, 1, data) reads the next 4KB block of data on the disk. Every time that you invoke a read or a write, you must ensure that data points to a full 4KB of memory.

To implement these operations, the disk_read and disk_write functions internally utilize low-level I/O system calls such as lseek, read, and write to operate on the file descriptor returned by open.

Note that the disk has a few programming conveniences that a real disk would not. A real disk is rather finicky -- if you send it invalid commands, it will likely crash the system or behave in other strange ways. This simulated disk is more "helpful." If you send it an invalid command, it will halt the program with an error message. For example, if you attempt to read or write a disk block that does not exist, it will throw an exception.

File System

Building off the disk emulator described above, you will construct a working file system. Take note that we have already constructed the interface to the filesystem and provided some skeleton code. The interface is given in include/sfs/fs.h:

/* File System Structure */

typedef struct FileSystem FileSystem;
struct FileSystem {
    Disk        *disk;                          /* Disk file system is mounted on */
    bool        *free_blocks;                   /* Free block bitmap */
    SuperBlock   meta_data;                     /* File system meta data */

/* File System Functions */

void    fs_debug(Disk *disk);
bool    fs_format(Disk *disk);

bool    fs_mount(FileSystem *fs, Disk *disk);
void    fs_unmount(FileSystem *fs);

ssize_t fs_create(FileSystem *fs);
bool    fs_remove(FileSystem *fs, size_t inode_number);
ssize_t fs_stat(FileSystem *fs, size_t inode_number);

ssize_t fs_read(FileSystem *fs, size_t inode_number, char *data, size_t length, size_t offset);
ssize_t fs_write(FileSystem *fs, size_t inode_number, char *data, size_t length, size_t offset);

The various functions must work as follows:

A. void fs_debug(Disk *disk)

This function scans a disk and reports on how the inodes and blocks are organized. Your output from this method should be similar to the following:

$ ./bin/sfssh data/image.5 5
sfs> debug
    magic number is valid
    5 blocks
    1 inode blocks
    128 inodes
Inode 1:
    size: 965 bytes
    direct blocks: 2

B. bool fs_format(Disk *disk)

This function creates a new filesystem on the disk, destroying any data already present. It should set aside ten percent of the blocks for inodes, clear the inode table, and write the superblock. It must return true on success, false otherwise.

Note: formatting a filesystem does not cause it to be mounted. Also, an attempt to format an already-mounted disk should do nothing and return failure.

C. bool fs_mount(FileSystem *fs, Disk *disk)

This function examines the disk for a filesystem. If one is present, read the superblock, build a free block bitmap, and prepare the filesystem for use. Return true on success, false otherwise.

Note: a successful mount is a pre-requisite for the remaining calls.

D. ssize_t fs_create(FileSystem *fs)

This function creates a new inode of zero length. On success, return the inode number. On failure, return -1.

E. bool fs_remove(FileSystem *fs, size_t inode_number)

This function removes the inode indicated by the inode_number. It should release all data and indirect blocks assigned to this inode and return them to the free block map. On success, it returns true. On failure, it returns false.

F. ssize_t fs_stat(FileSystem *fs, size_t inode_number)

This function returns the logical size of the given inode_number, in bytes. Note that zero is a valid logical size for an inode. On failure, it returns -1.

G. ssize_t fs_read(FileSystem *fs, size_t inode_number, char *data, size_t length, size_t offset)

This function reads data from a valid inode. It then copies length bytes from the data blocks of the inode into the data pointer, starting at offset in the inode. It should return the total number of bytes read. If the given inode_number is invalid, or any other error is encountered, the method returns -1.

Note: The number of bytes actually read could be smaller than the number of bytes requested, perhaps if the end of the inode is reached.

H. ssize_t fs_write(FileSytem *fs, size_t inode_number, char *data, size_t length, size_t offset)

This function writes data to a valid inode by copying length bytes from the pointer data into the data blocks of the inode starting at offset bytes. It will allocate any necessary direct and indirect blocks in the process. Afterwards, it returns the number of bytes actually written. If the given inode_number is invalid, or any other error is encountered, return -1.

Note: The number of bytes actually written could be smaller than the number of bytes request, perhaps if the disk becomes full.

Implementation Notes

Your job is to implement SimpleFS as described above by filling in the implementation of both src/library/disk.c and src/library/fs.c. You do not need to change any other code modules. We have already created some sample data structures to get you started. These can be found in include/sfs/fs.h. To begin with, we have defined a number of common constants that you will use. Most of these should be self explanatory:

#define MAGIC_NUMBER       (0xf0f03410)
#define INODES_PER_BLOCK   (128)
#define POINTERS_PER_BLOCK (1024)

Note that POINTERS_PER_INODE is the number of direct pointers in each inode structure, while POINTERS_PER_BLOCK is the number of pointers to be found in an indirect block.

The SuperBlock and Inode structures are easily translated from the pictures above:

typedef struct SuperBlock SuperBlock;
struct SuperBlock {
    uint32_t    magic_number;                   /* File system magic number */
    uint32_t    blocks;                         /* Number of blocks in file system */
    uint32_t    inode_blocks;                   /* Number of blocks reserved for inodes */
    uint32_t    inodes;                         /* Number of inodes in file system */

typedef struct Inode      Inode;
struct Inode {
    uint32_t    valid;                          /* Whether or not inode is valid */
    uint32_t    size;                           /* Size of file */
    uint32_t    direct[POINTERS_PER_INODE];     /* Direct pointers */
    uint32_t    indirect;                       /* Indirect pointers */

Note carefully that many inodes can fit in one disk block. A 4KB chunk of memory containing 128 inodes would look like this:

Inode       Inodes[INODES_PER_BLOCK];

Each indirect block is just a big array of 1024 integers, each pointing to another disk block. So, a 4KB chunk of memory corresponding to an indirect block would look liks this:

uint32_t    Pointers[POINTERS_PER_BLOCK];

Finally, each data block is just raw binary data used to store the partial contents of a file. A data block can be specified as simply an array for 4096 bytes:

char        Data[Disk::BLOCK_SIZE];

Because a raw 4 KB disk block can be used to represent four different kinds of data: a superblock, a block of 128 inodes, an indirect pointer block, or a plain data block, we can declare a union of each of our four different data types. A union looks like a struct, but forces all of its elements to share the same memory space. You can think of a union as several different types, all overlaid on top of each other:

typedef union  Block      Block;
union Block {
    SuperBlock  super;                          /* View block as superblock */
    Inode       inodes[INODES_PER_BLOCK];       /* View block as inode */
    uint32_t    pointers[POINTERS_PER_BLOCK];   /* View block as pointers */
    char        data[BLOCK_SIZE];               /* View block as data */

Note that the size of an Block union will be exactly 4KB: the size of the largest members of the union. To declare a Block variable:

Block block;

Now, we may use disk_read() to load in the raw data from block zero. We give disk_read() the variable block.data, which looks like an array of characters:

disk_read(disk, 0, block.data);

But, we may interpret that data as if it were a SuperBlock structure by accessing the super part of the union. For example, to extract the magic number of the super block, we might do this:

x = block.super.magic_number;

On the other hand, suppose that we wanted to load disk block 59, assume that it is an indirect block, and then examine the 4th pointer. Again, we would use disk_read() to load the raw data:

disk_read(disk, 59, block.data);

But then use the pointers part of the union like so:

x = block.pointers[3];

The union offers a convenient way of viewing the same data from multiple perspectives. When we load data from the disk, it is just a 4 KB raw chunk of data (block.data). But, once loaded, the filesystem layer knows that this data has some structure. The filesystem layer can view the same data from another perspective by choosing another field in the union.

General Advice

  1. Implement the functions roughly in order. We have deliberately presented the functions of the filesystem interface in order to difficulty. Implement debug, format, and mount first. Make sure that you are able to access the sample disk images provided. Then, perform creation and deletion of inodes without worrying about data blocks. Implement reading and test again with disk images. If everything else is working, then attempt write.

  2. Divide and conquer. Work hard to factor out common actions into simple functions. This will dramatically simplify your code. For example, you will often need to load and save individual inode structures by number. This involves a fiddly little computation to transform an inumber into a block number, and so forth. So, make two little methods to do just that:

    bool    fs_load_inode(FileSystem *fs, size_t inode_number, Inode *node);
    bool    fs_save_inode(FileSystem *fs, size_t inode_number, Inode *node);

    Now, everywhere that you need to load or save an inode structure, call these functions.

    You may also wish to have functions that help you manage and search the free block map:

    void    fs_initialize_free_block_bitmap(FileSystem *fs);
    ssize_t fs_allocate_free_block(FileSystem *fs);

    Anytime that find yourself writing very similar code over and over again, factor it out into a smaller function.

  3. Test boundary conditions. We will certainly test your code by probing its boundaries. Make sure that you test and fix boundary conditions before handing in. For example, what happens if fs_create discovers that the inode table is full? It should cleanly return with an error code. It certainly should not crash the program or mangle the disk! Think critically about other possible boundary conditions such as the end of a file or a full disk.

  4. Don't worry about performance. You will be graded on correctness, not performance. In fact, during the course of this assignment, you will discover that a simple file access can easily erupt into tens or hundreds of single disk accesses. Understand why this happens, but don't worry about optimization.


We have provided for you a simple shell that will be used to exercise your filesystem and the simulated disk. When grading your work, we will use the shell to test your code, so be sure to test extensively. To use the shell, simply run bin/sfssh with the name of a disk image, and the number of blocks in that image. For example, to use the image.5 example given below, run:

$ ./bin/sfssh data/image.5 5

Or, to start with a fresh new disk image, just give a new filename and number of blocks:

$ ./bin/sfssh newdisk 25

Once the shell starts, you can use the help command to list the available commands:

sfs> help
Commands are:
    remove  <inode>
    cat     <inode>
    stat    <inode>
    copyin  <file> <inode>
    copyout <inode> <file>

Most of the commands correspond closely to the filesystem interface. For example, format, mount, debug, create and remove call the corresponding methods in the FileSystem class. Make sure that you call these functions in a sensible order. A filesystem must be formatted once before it can be used. Likewise, it must be mounted before being read or written.

The complex commands are cat, copyin, and copyout. cat reads an entire file out of the filesystem and displays it on the console, just like the Unix command of the same name. copyin and copyout copy a file from the local Unix filesystem into your emulated filesystem. For example, to copy the dictionary file into inode 10 in your filesystem, do the following:

sfs> copyin /usr/share/dict/words 10

Note that these three commands work by making a large number of calls to fs_read()andfs_write()` for each file to be copied.


To help you verify the correctness of your SimpleFS implementation, you are provided with the following disk images:

Likewise, you are also provided a set of unit tests in the src/tests directory that will test most of the basic functions in the Disk and FileSystem structures:

$ make test-unit        # Run all unit tests
Running   unit_disk 0
Running   unit_disk 1
Running   unit_disk 2
Running   unit_fs 0
Running   unit_fs 1
Running   unit_fs 2
Running   unit_fs 3

$ ./bin/unit_fs 0       # Run specific test from FileSystem unit test
DEBUG src/tests/unit_fs.c:23:test_00_fs_mount: Check mounting filesystem
DEBUG src/tests/unit_fs.c:34:test_00_fs_mount: Check mounting filesystem (already mounted)
2 disk block reads
0 disk block writes
DEBUG src/tests/unit_fs.c:43:test_00_fs_mount: Check mounting filesystem
DEBUG src/tests/unit_fs.c:69:test_00_fs_mount: Check mounting filesystem (already mounted)
4 disk block reads
0 disk block writes

Note: The FileSystem unit test does not check the behavior of the fs_read and fs_write functions.

Additionally, we also provide an extensive suite of test scripts in the bin directory that will utilize these disk images to test your file system. You can run all the tests by simply doing make test:

$ make test-shell
Testing debug on data/image.5 ... Success
Testing debug on data/image.20 ... Success
Testing debug on data/image.200 ... Success
Testing format on data/image.5.formatted ... Success
Testing format on data/image.20.formatted ... Success
Testing format on data/image.200.formatted ... Success
Testing mount on data/image.5 ... Success
Testing mount-mount on data/image.5 ... Success
Testing mount-format on data/image.5 ... Success
Testing bad-mount on /tmp/tmp.jz368Y5GMd/image.5 ... Success
Testing bad-mount on /tmp/tmp.jz368Y5GMd/image.5 ... Success
Testing bad-mount on /tmp/tmp.jz368Y5GMd/image.5 ... Success
Testing bad-mount on /tmp/tmp.jz368Y5GMd/image.5 ... Success
Testing bad-mount on /tmp/tmp.jz368Y5GMd/image.5 ... Success
Testing stat on data/image.5 ... Success
Testing stat on data/image.20 ... Success
Testing stat on data/image.200 ... Success
Testing create in data/image.5.create ... Success
Testing copyout in data/image.5 ... Success
Testing copyout in data/image.20 ... Success
Testing copyout in data/image.200 ... Success
Testing cat on data/image.5 ... Success
Testing cat on data/image.20 ... Success
Testing copyin in /tmp/tmp.yvAodIA7Lr/image.5 ... Success
Testing copyin in /tmp/tmp.yvAodIA7Lr/image.20 ... Success
Testing copyin in /tmp/tmp.yvAodIA7Lr/image.200 ... Success
Testing remove in /tmp/tmp.7Y2JaAn5RF/image.5 ... Success
Testing remove in /tmp/tmp.7Y2JaAn5RF/image.5 ... Success
Testing remove in /tmp/tmp.7Y2JaAn5RF/image.20 ... Success
Testing valgrind on /tmp/tmp.AbZKTj3p1h/image.200 ... Success

Reads / Writes

Depending on how you implement the various functions, the number of disk reads and writes may not match. As long as you are not too far above the numbers in the test case, then you will be given credit.


The provided test scripts require that the provided disk images are in their original state. Therefore, if you make any modifications to them while developing and testing, you should make sure you restore them to their original state before attempting the tests. Since we are using [git], you can simply do the following to retrieve the original version of a disk image:

$ git checkout data/image.5


As part of your grade, you will need to present your file system to a member of the instructional staff where you will demonstrate the correctness of your Disk and FileSystem components.

Note: No slides or presentation is required.


As noted above, the Project 06 repository includes a README.md file with the following sections:

  1. Members: This should be a list of the project members.

  2. Errata: This is a section where you can describe any deficiencies or known problems with your implementation.

You must complete this document report as part of your project.


Your project will be graded on the following metrics:

Metric Points
Source Code
  1. General
    • Builds and cleans without warnings or errors
    • Manages resources such as memory and files appropriately
    • Is consistent, readable, and organized
    • On-time code submission

  2. Disk
    • Open operation performs correctly
    • Close operation performs correctly
    • Read operation performs correctly
    • Writeoperation performs correctly

  3. File System
    • Debug operation performs correctly
    • Format operation performs correctly
    • Mount operation performs correctly
    • Create operation performs correctly
    • Remove operation performs correctly
    • Stat operation performs correctly
    • Cat operation performs correctly
    • Copyout operation performs correctly
    • Copyin operation performs correctly
  1. 3.5
    • 0.5
    • 1.0
    • 1.0
    • 1.0

  2. 3.5
    • 1.0
    • 0.5
    • 1.0
    • 1.0

  3. 16.0
    • 2.0
    • 1.0
    • 1.5
    • 1.5
    • 1.5
    • 1.0
    • 2.0
    • 2.0
    • 3.5
  1. Demonstration
  1. 0.5
  1. README.md
  1. 0.5