Now that you have a general design and plan for your project, you are now to work on the initial prototype of your project.

For the third Milestone, your group must accomplish the following tasks:

  1. Prototype: Build the initial version of your minimum viable product. Although it does not need be feature complete, it must have the following properties:

    • Have technical contributions from all group members.

    • Is usable by all group members.

    • Implement a majority of the goals or features identified in Milestone 2.

  2. Process: Continue using the infrastructure configured and setup from Milestone 1. This means that you should be doing the following:

    • Identifying tasks on your issues boards and making progress on them.

    • Contributing to your project's code repository.

    • Filing issues or bug reports as necessary.

    • Communicating via your group's chosen communication channels.

  3. Reflection: Consider any adjustments that need to be made as you make progress towards your initial prototype:

    • Is there newly discovered related work that impacts your project?

    • Do you need more or different resources?

    • Is the technology stack you have chosen sufficient or will you need to make changes?

    • What changes (if any) to your architecture are necessary?

    • Will you need to reconsider some of your goals for the MVP?

As you work towards the prototype, you should be following the open source software development model of constant iteration. It may be useful to appoint one person as a gatekeeper of sorts to integrate and coordinate the changes from different developers. The exact management and organization of the project is up to you, however.


For this Milestone, your group must demonstrate the initial prototype to the instructor.