Alphabetical Listing of Student Groups (last updte 3/218)
Below is the listing of recognized student clubs and organizations for the 2017-2018 academic year. A description of each is provided to Notre Dame students, faculty and staff members through our new group management tool, SAO360. By clicking on the club or organization name, you are directed to SAO360 to login for more information.
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Ctrl and F, a search box will appear. In that search box, type the name of the club you are looking for.
Curious about a specific group, but aren't a current ND student, faculty or staff member? Please go to the Group Categories and Descriptions page for more info.
Please email the Student Activities Office with any additional questions.
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- 1stG ND (CCC)
- ACMS Student Organization (Graduate)
- ADR Society (Graduate)
- Accounting Student Association (CCC)
- Active Minds at Notre Dame (CCC)
- Actuarial Science Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- African Students Association of Notre Dame and SMC(CCC)
- Africana Studies Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Aging with Grace (CCC)
- Alumni Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Alumni Student Club (CCC)
- American Advertising Federation Chapter (ACND) (CCC)
- American Cancer Society Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- American Civil Liberties Union, Notre Dame (Graduate)
- American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, Notre Dame Law School Chapter (Graduate)
- American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, University of Notre Dame (AIAA) (CCC)
- American Institute of Architecture Students-University of Notre Dame Chapter (AIAS-ND) (CCC)
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers Notre Dame Chapter (AIChE) (CCC)
- American Institute of Graphic Arts, ND (CCC)
- American Medical Women's Association of Notre Dame(CCC)
- American Red Cross Club of the University of Notre Dame(CCC)
- American Society of Civil Engineers, University of Notre Dame Student Chapter (ASCE) (CCC)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (CCC)
- American Studies Club (CCC)
- Anthropology Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- App Club (CCC)
- Aquatic Relief for Kids at Notre Dame (ARK-ND) (CCC)
- Arabic Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Archery Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Army ROTC Club (ARC) (CCC)
- Arnold Air Society [AFROTC] (CCC)
- Art History Club (CCC)
- Asia Pacific Business Club (CCC)
- Asian American Association of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Asian Law Students Association (Graduate)
- Asian MBA Student Association of Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Association for Women in Science-Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA) (CCC)
- Association of Women in Mathematics of the University of Notre Dame (CCC)
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- Badin Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Bagpipe Band of the University of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Baja SAE (CCC)
- Bald and the Beautiful Club, The (CCC)
- Ballet Club (CCC)
- Ballet Folklorico Azul y Oro (CCC)
- Ballroom Dance Club, Notre Dame/Saint Mary’s (CCC)
- Band, Student Organization of the University of Notre Dame(CCC)
- Bandlink (CCC)
- Baptist Collegiate Ministry (CCC)
- Baseball Club of Notre Dame (CBND) (CCC)
- Be the Match (CCC)
- Best Buddies (CCC)
- Beta Alpha Psi (CCC)
- Beta Gamma Sigma (Graduate)
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Notre Dame and St. Mary’s(CCC)
- Biology Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Biology Graduate Student Organization (Graduate)
- Black Cultural Arts Council (CCC)
- Black Graduate Student Association (Graduate)
- Black Law Students Association, Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Black Student Association of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Book Club (Graduate)
- Bookstore Basketball Commission, University of Notre Dame (Special Interest Organization/SG)
- Bowling Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Boxing Club, Notre Dame, Men's (CCC)
- Boxing Club, Notre Dame, Women's (CCC)
- Boys and Girls Club Volunteers of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Brazil Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Breen-Phillips Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Building Tomorrow Notre Dame Chapter (CCC)
- BuildOn (CCC)
- Business Analytics Club of Notre Dame (Graduate)
- bridgeND (CCC)
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- California Notre Dame Club (CCC)
- Calligraphy Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Camp Kesem (CCC)
- Campus Fellowship of the Holy Spirit (CCC)
- Canadian Association of Notre Dame Youths (CANDY) (CCC)
- Care Package Club (CCC)
- Caribbean Student Association (CARIBSA) (CCC)
- Carroll Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Catholic Graduate Community (Graduate)
- Cavanaugh Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Celebration Choir of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Graduate Student Organization (Graduate)
- Chemistry and Biochemistry Club (CCC)
- Chemistry Graduate Student Organization (Graduate)
- Chess Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Chi Epsilon (CCC)
- Chinese Culture Society (CCC)
- Chinese Students & Scholars Association, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Chorale, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Christian Legal Society (Graduate)
- Circle K, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Classical Music Club (CCC)
- Class of 2018 (Senior Class Council) (Organization)
- Class of 2019 (Junior Class Council)(Organization)
- Class of 2020 (Sophomore Class Council) (Organization)
- Class of 2021 (Freshmen Class Council - FCC) (Organization)
- Classics Club (CCC)
- Climbing Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Club Basketball Team, Men's (CCC)
- Club Coordination Council (Organization)
- Club Softball of Notre Dame (CCC)
- College Democrats of Notre Dame (CCC)
- College Mentors for Kids (CCC)
- Collegiate 4-H Club of the University of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Comedy Publication (CCC)
- College Republicans, University of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Communion and Liberation at Notre Dame (CLU@ND)(CCC)
- Community Alliance to Serve Hispanics (CCC)
- Compassionate Care in Medicine (CCIM) (CCC)
- Competitive Video Gaming Club (CCC)
- Composer's Consortium of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Computer Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Connecticut Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Coro Primavera de Nuestra Senora, El (CCC)
- Corporate Finance Club (CCC)
- Cryptocurrency Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Culinary Appreciation and Outreach Society (CCC)
- Curling Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Cycling Club (CCC)
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- Dance Company of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Debate Team (Special Interest Organization/SG)
- Design For America (CCC)
- Detachment 225 Flyin’ Irish, Notre Dame [AFROTC] (CCC)
- Dillon Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Disc Golf Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) - University of Notre Dame Chapter (CCC)
- Diversity Council of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Domers Mentoring Kids (CCC)
- Dream Teams (CCC)
- DreamCatchers Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Duncan Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Dunne Hall Council (Residence Hall)
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- Earthquake Engineering Research Institute - University of Notre Dame Student Chapter (Graduate)
- Echoes, The (CCC)
- Economics Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- EduClub (CCC)
- Education Law Forum (Graduate)
- Electron Microcopy Club, Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Engineering Leadership Council of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Engineers Without Borders: University of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Entrepreneurship Society of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Environmental Engineering Society of Notre Dame, The (CCC)
- Environmental Law Society, Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Equestrian Club, ND/SMC (CCC)
- Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Chapter (CCC)
- European Union of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Executive Cabinet (Student Government) (Organization)
- Executive Programming Board (Organization)
- Explore Excite Engage Notre Dame (CCC)
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- Farley Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Fashion Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Federal Reserve Challenge and Fiscal Challenge Club (CCC)
- Federalist Society for Law & Public Studies, Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Feminist ND (CCC)
- Field Hockey Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Fighting Together (CCC)
- Figure Skating Club, The University of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Filii Mariae/Children of Mary (CCC)
- Filipino-American Student Organization of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Financial Management Board (Organization)
- First Aid Services Team, University of Notre Dame (CCC)
- First Class Steppers of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Fisher Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Fishing Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Flaherty Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- FlipSide (CCC)
- Folk Choir, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Food and Beverage Law Club (Graduate)
- Foodshare (CCC)
- Football Uplifting Athletes (NDFUA), Notre Dame (CCC)
- Formula SAE Hybrid Race team (CCC)
- Foundation for Int'l Medical Relief of Children - Notre Dame (CCC)
- Founders of Notre Dame (FND) (CCC)
- Frank Montana Sketching Club, The (CCC)
- French Club (CCC)
- Friends of the Orphans (CCC)
- FUEL (First Undergraduate Experience in Leadership)(Organization)
- Fulbright Students' Association (Graduate)
- Futsal Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Future Prosecuting Attorneys Council (Graduate)
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- German Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Glee Club, University of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Global Medical Brigades (CCC)
- Global Public Health Brigades (CCC)
- GlobeMed@ND (CCC)
- Gluten-Free ND (CCC)
- Golf Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Graduate Student, Spouse, Significant Other Network (GSN) (Graduate)
- Graduate Student Union (Organization)
- Graduate Theological Society Of The University of Notre Dame(Graduate)
- GreeND (CCC)
- Grogan Society, The (CCC)
- Gymnastics Club of ND, SMC, & HCC (CCC)
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- Habitat for Humanity, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Halftime (CCC)
- Hall Presidents Council (Organization)
- Handbell Choir of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Harmonia (CCC)
- Harper Cancer Research Institute Society (HCRIS) (CCC)
- Hawaii Club - Na Pua Kai 'Ewalu (CCC)
- Headlines (CCC)
- Health and Fitness Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Health Law Society (Graduate)
- Healthcare and Biotechnology Club of Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Hearthstone Club (CCC)
- HeForShe ND (CCC)
- Hesburgh's Heroes (CCC)
- Hispanic Engineers and Scientists (CCC)
- Hispanic Law Students Association (Graduate)
- History Club (CCC)
- Holy Half Marathon of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Howard Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Human Rights-ND (CCC)
- Humor Artists of the University of Notre Dame du Lac (CCC)
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- Ice Hockey Club, Men's (CCC)
- Ice Hockey Team of Notre Dame, Women's (CCC)
- Identity Project of Notre Dame (IDND) (CCC)
- Indian Association of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Indonesian Student Association (PERMIAS) (CCC)
- Information Technology Management Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Notre Dame Chapter (CCC)
- Intellectual Property Law Society (Graduate)
- International Development Research Council (CCC)
- International Human Rights Society (Graduate)
- International Law Society of the University of Notre Dame Law School(Graduate)
- International Market Watch (IMW) (CCC)
- International Student Network (CCC)
- Investment Club of Notre Dame du Lac (CCC)
- Irish Club of ND (CCC)
- Irish Dance Club (CCC)
- Irish Fighting for St. Jude Kids (CCC)
- Irish for the Ronald McDonald House (CCC)
- Irish Gardens (Organization)
- Iron Sharpens Iron (CCC)
- Italian Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
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- J. Reuben Clark Law Society (Graduate)
- Japan Club (CCC)
- Jewish Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Jewish Law Student Association (Graduate)
- John Quincy Adams Society of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Journal of International and Comparative Law (Graduate)
- Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Journal of Legislation (Graduate)
- Judicial Council (Organization)
- Juggler, The (Organization)
- Juggling Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Jump Rope ND (CCC)
- Junior Parents Weekend (Special Interest Organization/SG)
- Jus Vitae Association of the Notre Dame School of Law (Graduate)
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- Keenan Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Keough Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- KiNDness Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Knights of Columbus, Notre Dame Council, No. 1477 (Special Interest Organization/SG)
- Knott Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Korean Graduate Student Association of Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Korean Student Association (CCC)
- Kroc Doctoral Student Organization (Graduate)
- Kung Fu Club (CCC)
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- Lacrosse Team of Notre Dame, Men's Club (CCC)
- Lacrosse Team of Notre Dame, Women's Club (CCC)
- Latino Graduate Association of Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Latino Honor Society (CCC)
- Latino Student Alliance (CCC)
- Launch ND formerly Business Action in Social Entrepreneurship (Base ND)(CCC)
- League of Legends Notre Dame (LoLND) (CCC)
- LDS Student Association (CCC)
- LGBT Legal Forum (LLF) (Graduate)
- Libertarians, ND (CCC)
- Legal Voices for Children and Youth of Notre Dame Law School(Graduate)
- Lego Club, The (CCC)
- Leprechaun Legion (CCC)
- Lewis Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Liturgical Choir, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Live Golden Club (CCC)
- Logan Recreation Club (CCC)
- Louisiana Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Love Your Melon ND (CCC)
- Lyons Hall Council (Residence Hall)
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MBA Association (Graduate)- MBA Consulting Club of Notre Dame (Graduate)
- MBA Entrepreneurship Club (Graduate)
- MBA Global Business Club (Graduate)
- MBA Management Club of Notre Dame (Graduate)
- MBA Marketing Club of the University of Notre Dame(Graduate)
- MBA Military Veterans Club (Graduate)
- MBA Real Estate Club of Notre Dame (Graduate)
- MBA Technology Club (Graduate)
- Mariachi ND (CCC)
- Marketing Club, University of Notre Dame Undergraduate(CCC)
- Married Law Students Organization (Graduate)
- Martial Arts Institute Notre Dame (CCC)
- Master of Science in Accountancy Association of Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Master of Science in Management Association (Graduate)
- Math Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- McGlinn Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Media Industry Club (CCC)
- Memory Team, ND (CCC)
- Men Against Sexual Violence (CCC)
- Mending Minds (CCC)
- Mentors in Medicine (CCC)
- Military Law Students Association, Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Militia of the Immaculata (CCC)
- Minnesota Student Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Mock Trial Association, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Model United Nations Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- MoneyThinkND (CCC)
- Montana Club (CCC)
- Montana de Luz, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Morrissey Manor Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Multicultural Peace Equality and Community (CCC)
- Multicultural Pre-Medical Society (CCC)
- Muslim Student Association of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Mustard Creative Writing Club (CCC)
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- ND Fighting Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) (CCC)
- NDesign (CCC)
- National Association of Black Accountants (CCC)
- National Association of Women MBAs - University of Notre Dame Chapter (Graduate)
- National Society of Black Engineers (CCC)
- National Organization of Minority Architecture Students of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Native American Law Students Association, Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Native American Student Association of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Net Impact MBA - University of Notre Dame Chapter (NIND) (Graduate)
- Neuroscience Club (CCC)
- New Jersey Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- New York Club of Notre Dame, The (CCC)
- Nordic Ski Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Not-So-Royal Shakespeare Company (CCC)
- Notre Dame Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild (Graduate)
- Notre Dame Linux User Group (ND LUG) (CCC)
- Notre Dame Medical Observers (CCC)
- Notre Dame Television (NDtv) (Organization)
- Notre Dames (CCC)
- NotreDevelopers (NDevs) (CCC)
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- O'Neill Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Off Campus Council (Organization)
- Old College (Organization)
- Operation Smile Student Organization (CCC)
- Orthodox Christian Fellowship (CCC)
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- Partners in Health Engage Notre Dame (CCC)
- Pasquerilla East Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Pasquerilla West Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Peace Fellowship Notre Dame (CCC)
- PEMCO Pasquerilla East Musical Company (CCC)
- Persian Association of Notre Dame (PAND) (Graduate)
- Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity, Hoynes Chapter (Graduate)
- Philosophy Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Pi Tau Sigma (CCC)
- Photography Club (CCC)
- Polish Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Poms Squad, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Pre-Dental Society (CCC)
- Pre-Law Society of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Pre-Physician Assistant Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Pre-Professional Society (CCC)
- Pre-Veterinary Medical Association of UND/SMC Club (CCC)
- PrismND (Special Interest Organization/SG)
- Progressive Student Alliance (CCC)
- Project Fresh (CCC)
- Proponents of Animal Welfare Service (CCC)
- Pros at Prose (CCC)
- Psychology Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
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- RareND (CCC)
- Real Estate Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Right To Life, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Risk Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Robotic Football Club (CCC)
- Role Playing Game Club (CCC)
- Roosevelt Institute at the University of Notre Dame, The (CCC)
- Rowing Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Rugby Club of Notre Dame, Women's (CCC)
- Rugby Football Club of Notre Dame, Men's (CCC)
- Running Club, (CCC)
- Russian Club (CCC)
- Ryan Hall Council (Residence Hall)
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- SJRMC Outreach Volunteers (CCC)
- SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics) at Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Sailing Club, University of Notre Dame/Saint Mary's College(CCC)
- Saint Edward's Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Saint Thomas More Society (Graduate)
- Scholastic Magazine (Organization)
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Club (SFFC) (CCC)
- Science-Business Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Science Policy Initiative at Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Sewing Club, ND (CCC)
- Shades of Ebony (CCC)
- She's the First Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Siegfried Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Ski and Snowboard Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Slice of Life ND (CCC)
- Smart Woman Securities at Notre Dame (CCC)
- Soccer Club of Notre Dame, Men's (CCC)
- Soccer Club, Women's (CCC)
- Social Justice in American Medicine (SJAM) (CCC)
- Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE), Notre Dame Chapter (CCC)
- Society of Catholic Voters (CCC)
- Society of Hispanic MBAs (Graduate)
- Society of Physics Students, University of Notre Dame Chapter (CCC)
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at Notre Dame (SHPE ND) (CCC)
- Society of Schmitt Fellows of Notre Dame (Graduate)
- Society of Women Engineers, University of Notre Dame section of the (CCC)
- Sorin College Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- South Africa Service Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Spanish Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Special Friends of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Special Olympics, Notre Dame (SOND) (CCC)
- SpeakND (CCC)
- Spoken Word ND (CCC)
- Sports Business Club of Notre Dame - MBA (Graduate)
- Sports By Numbers (SBN) (CCC)
- Sports, Communication and Entertainment Law Forum(Graduate)
- Squash Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Stanford Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (Graduate)
- Student Association for Women in Architecture (SAWA)(CCC)
- Student Bar Association of the Notre Dame Law School(Graduate)
- Student Coalition for Immigration Advocacy of Notre Dame(CCC)
- Student Government (Organization)
- Student International Business Council (CCC)
- Student Players (CCC)
- Student Stand-ups of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Student Union Board (Organization)
- Student Voices for Palestine (CCC)
- Students Against Gun Violence (CCC)
- Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations Notre Dame (CCC)
- Students for Child-Oriented Policy (CCC)
- Students for Classical Architecture, Notre Dame Chapter (SCA-ND) (CCC)
- Students for New Urbanism (CCC)
- Studio Art and Design Club (CCC)
- Super Sibs (CCC)
- Swim Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Swing Club (CCC)
- Symphony Orchestra, Notre Dame (CCC)
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- Table Tennis of Notre Dame (ND) (CCC)
- Taiwanese Student Association (CCC)
- Tau Beta Pi Association (CCC)r
- Tennis Club, Notre Dame (CCC)
- Texas Club (CCC)
- The Adopt-A-Family Christmas Initiative (CCC)
- The Dome Yearbook (Organization)
- The Shirt Project (Organization)
- Theology Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Timmy Global Health - Notre Dame Chapter (CCC)
- Toastmaster’s Notre Dame Club (Gavel Club) (CCC)
- Totus Tuus Praise & Worship Band (CCC)
- TransPose [dance collective] (CCC)
- Triathlon Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Trident Naval Society [NROTC] (CCC)
- Troop Notre Dame (CCC)
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- Ukrainian Society (CCC)
- Ultimate Frisbee Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Unchained Melodies (CCC)
- Undergraduate Women in Business Association of Notre Dame, The(CCC)
- United Way of The University of Notre Dame, The Student (CCC)
- University Young Life (CCC)
- Unleashed (CCC)
- Upsilon Pi Epsilon Association, Indiana Delta Chapter of the (CCC)
- Urban Wave (CCC)
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- Vietnamese Student Association of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Voices of Faith Gospel Choir, University of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Volleyball Club, Men's (CCC)
- Volleyball Club, Women's, Notre Dame (CCC)
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- WSND-FM (Organization)
- WVFI Radio (Organization)
- Wabruda, The (CCC)
- Wall Street Club (CCC)
- Walsh Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Water Polo Club Notre Dame Du Lac, Women's (CCC)
- Water Polo Club, Men's (CCC)
- Waterski Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Welsh Family Hall Council (Residence Hall)
- Wilderness Club (CCC)
- WishMakers, University of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Women in Microscopy Club (Graduate)
- Women in Politics Club of Notre Dame (CCC)
- Women's Liturgical Choir (CCC)
- World Hunger Coalition (CCC)
- World Taekwondo Federation Club (WTF) (CCC)
- Wrestling Club (CCC)
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- Zahm Hall Council (Residence Hall)
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