Student Group/Advisor Agreement
Use this agreement to begin the discussion with your student leaders on expectations of both parties. For a PDF of this agreement to print off, click here.
CLUB/ORGANZIATION NAME: ________________________________________
ADVISOR NAME: _____________________________________________________
The members of this club/organization, by the selection process outlined in our constitution hereby select the above named as our advisor for 2015-16academic year.
Notre Dame has the following basic expectations of all club/organization advisors:
- Meet with the executive board as often as necessary
- Meet with Student Activities staff members, as needed.
- Provide continuity for the club/organization from year to year.
- Become familiar with University policies and procedures and provide assistance in explaining policies to members.
- Intervene when group violates the law or Notre Dame policies.
The following is intended to clarify the role of advisor by providing both the organization/club and the advisor the opportunity to decide the extent to which the advisor will be involved with the organization/club.
Using the scale below, the advisor and organization/club officers complete this activity individually.
After completing the inventory, compare responses to develop a stronger relationship between the advisor and the organization/club. Answers which vary more than 2 points either way should be discussed immediately.
-2 Strongly Disagree -1 Disagree 0 Neutral +1 Agree +2 Strongly Agree
Club Advisor
____ ____ Attend all regular meetings of the organization/club.
____ ____ Attend officer meetings.
____ ____ Attend organization/club’s campus-wide activities and events.
____ ____ Attend organization/club’s internal activities and events.
Meeting Involvement
____ ____ Assist in the preparation of meeting agendas.
____ ____ Ability to call emergency meeting of officers, if deemed necessary.
____ ____ Interrupt during meetings to inform members about possible violations of
University policy.
____ ____ Interrupt during meetings to inform officer/members about violations in
____ ____ Present personal point of view during discussions at meetings.
____ ____ Be quiet at meetings unless asked for input.
____ ____ Review minutes for accuracy before distribution.
Goal Setting
____ ____ Participate in goal setting process.
____ ____ Provide feedback to officers on progress towards goals.
____ ____ Require committees to follow up with advisor on progress towards goals,
with frequent updates.
Club Development
____ ____ Coordinate leadership development workshops on topics created by officers.
____ ____ Research and present leadership development opportunities available on
campus, etc.
____ ____ Explain University policies and procedures to general organization/club
____ ____ Cancel events when he/she believes they are poorly planned.
____ ____ Take the initiative to instill teamwork, cooperation and collaboration within the club.
____ ____ Use influence with club officers between meetings to get things
accomplished the right way.
____ ____ Speak on behalf of the organization/club to the campus community.
____ ____ Speak on behalf of the organization/club to the general public.
____ ____ Assist with mediating conflicts with the University administration, other
clubs, offices, etc.
____ ____ Attend all elections, interviews, etc.
____ ____ Provide organization/club officers feedback on each candidate.
Additional Roles
____ ____ Review all SAO360 requests, approving those that follow the mission of the
organization/club and do not violate University policy.
____ ____ Receive copies of all official correspondence.
____ ____ Review/proof all official correspondence (newsletters, proposals, letters, etc) before mailing
____ ____ Other: ________________________________________________________________
The above expectations and responsibilities may be reconsidered at any time based on the needs of all parties.
I have met with the club/organization and discussed the expectations/responsibilities and will fulfill these to the best of my ability.
__________________________________ ___________ _____________________
Advisor Signature Date Campus Address
__________________________________ ___________ _____________________
Club/Organization Leader Date Campus Address
__________________________________ ___________ _____________________
Student Program Coordinator Date Campus Address
A copy of this document should be sent to SAO and made available to the group upon request. It is also recommended that the officers of the group maintain a copy for their records. Any disagreements arising from this document or the expectations contained within it that cannot be resolved between the group and advisor should be directed to the Student Program Coordinator in the Student Activities Office.