Computing systems contribute to systemic bias. This is something we talk about but students are not typically taught how to examine bias in systems or make conscious design decisions that prevent bias that once coded will persist undetected in systems for a long time.

In this course, students are taught how to examine bias in systems.

We will be combining data analysis, data visualization, web development, software development tools and open government data to design, build and analyze systems that allow for civic engagement and explore data bias, systemic bias and social justice related issues in the local community or national community.

This course will use Python as the primary language and will examine data in the following formats: csv, json, xml, data from apis, etc.


Class Meeting time: 4.45-5.30pm Thursdays 208 DeBartolo Hall

Course website - this page

Official Syllabus

What should I be working on?: Course assignments will be linked off the schedule below. Submitted in Canvas or through google documents. Grades available on Canvas.

Course Project documents

- Project Documents Folder Status
1Website for Arduino tool making New
2Web app for Goodwill GVI Folder Ongoing
3Robinson Center - Senior citizens computing help Folder Ongoing
4Robinson Center - Middle schoolers programmingNew
5St. Margaret's House - data managementNew
6Habitat for Humanity - website update helpOngoing
7State of Girls in Indiana - data analysis and visualization Folder Ongoing
8Motels4Now - data analysis - unclear Folder Ongoing
9Ethics Tool - making website Folder Ongoing
10Ethics Tool - undergrad research Folder Ongoing
11Potential Trek10 service project - details TBDNew
12Teaching at South Bend Code SchoolOngoing

© 2016 Shreya Kumar