The precentage of the unemployed has fluxuated steadily until around 2008 when it reached an all-time high from the recession. This stresses the importance of maintaining a stable economy, and that legislation and policies that help reduce the impact of recessions will also help employment.

As the population of the US has increased, the difference between the number of Americans in the labor force and those who are not in the labor force has continuously increased, thus stressing the need for an increasing amount of job opportunities to mitigate unemployment. Policies that grant companies more money or help those whom are unemployed can accomodate for the greater number of people in the work force

From the graph above, it can be seen that the amount of farmers has decreased over the years, while other careers have almost tripled.
Therefore, it would be wise for the government to provide subsidies to farmers to prevent them from disappearing.
To accomdate for the growing population interested in non-agriculture careers, companies should also strive to provide more job opportunities to reduce unemployment.