Kanye Music Analysis

An analysis of Kanye's music


Fig 1. Word Count vs. Year Analysis

The graph above shows the Word count arranged over years. Every song's marker is color coded by what album it is a part of and N/A represents Kanye's singles that are not part of an album. Looking at the graph as a whole, the average word count seems to have stayed steady over th years, but there are more high outliers in the beginning and late stages of his career and in the middle parts, Kanye's songs seem to clump up and become more consistent in word count. This suggests that Kanye West developed and came to a style and formula for his songs and refined them in the first half of his career, and he eventually broke out of that mold and created more diverse songs in terms of word count in the latter half of his career.

Fig 2. Average WPM vs. US Album Sales Analysis

The average words per minute compared to the album sales in the United States is shown above. Each of the colors represents the album that it is and the size of the data points represents the length of the album. The average words per minute of the albums were calculated by adding up the word count of all the songs in the album, and then dividing by the album length. The trend you can see in this graph is _____.

Fig 3. Average WPM vs. Years Analysis

This shows the average words per minute of Kanye albums over time. The general trend you can observe is how the speed of the songs (the average WPM) remains relatively constant throughout Kanye's albums, the only difference is that the words per minute became more consistent over time for Kanye. Earlier in his career, he had more outliers with faster and slower songs, but the later it goes, the more consistent his albums get when it comes to average words per minute.

Fig 4. Sales vs. Years (For Kanye and Lil Wayne) Analysis

This shows the comparison of album sales over time between two artists, Kanye West and Lil Wayne. Kanye's albums are represented by the solid bars and are always below Lil Wayne's albums, which are the sriped bars. When looking at the graph, the two of them combined had the most album sales around the mid 2000s to the early 2010s. Looking at the graph, Kanye West peeaked earlier than Lil Wayne and bot of their album sales dropped considerably after around 2011-2013. The dropping album sales applied to both Kanye West and Lil Wayne, suggesting that there is a common factor causing this. The drop in album sales could be attributed to the rise in popularity of music streaming services.

Fig 5. Sales vs. Writer Count Analysis

The graph above shows the sales of Kanye West songs compared to the number of writers the songs had. Each of the colors represent the albums the song is a part of, because we only have information for album sales, the sales number is the same for songs of the same album. You can observe a clear negative correlation between the number of writers and the amount of sales a song had. Though there are plenty of songs written by few writers that had few sales, there are no songs with lots of writers that had high sales. As the number of writers increases, the album sales decrease, suggesting that the songs gain popularity from Kanye's artistic touch. The more writers there are, the more diluted Kanye's infleunce over the song is.

Fig 6. Word Count vs. Number of Writers Analysis

A graph of word count compared to the number of writers is shown above. The shape and color of the marker represents the This suggests that the more writers there are, the more consistent and formulaic Kanye's songs become.

Fig 7. Most Used Words of Most Popular Kanye Songs

The 20 most popular Kanye songs are arranged above in a starburst chart. The innermost layer shows the name of the song, the middle layer shows the millions of views it has on Genius, and the outer most layer shows the ten most common words in each of those songs. Click on any song name to expand that slice of the chart and see which words are most common. The three articles "a," "an," and "the" were removed because they aren't very meaningful words. Like with figure nine, you can see that interpersonal words like "you" and "me" were used the most.

Fig 8. Longest used words in Kanye's Songs

This graph shows the longest words used in Kanye's songs and their frequency. Most of them are still only used once. If you look at the most sung words by Kanye West they are mostly onomatopeias. This highlights is reliance on words as a method of keeping rhythm and musical flow. Kanye's lyrics and music in general has more flow than a typical hip hop artist.

Fig 9. Most Used Words of Kanye's Songs

This pie chart shows Kanye's most common words said across all of his songs. The three articles "a," "an," and "the" were removed from the word counter because they are not meaningful. When looking at the common trends in the words most of them are variations on the first-person pronoun and the second-person pronoun. This suggests that Kanye's songs have an emphasis on the interpersonal and the connection between "me" and "you." Some may argue that these words are just innately common in the english language, but this is not normal spoken english, and any manner of subject matter could have been covered in music lyrics, the use of "you" and "me" suggests and more personal subject matter, though.

Fig 10. Least used words in Kanye's Songs (Bonus Visualization)

The graph above is a piechart of Kanye's least used words. Out of all the lyric of all the songs Kanye West has said these ten words only once. Among the least used words are, "eggs," "veggies," "gym," and "smoothie." These words are associated with health and wellbeing, the definite lack of these words suggest that the lifestyle Kanye sings about in his songs is unsustainable.