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Please help us continue to provide students with the comraderie, enjoyment, and challenge that this amazing club gives through the sport of water polo.

If you wish to make an immediate donation, please follow the instructions below. Donations will benefit us the most if they are made on Notre Dame Day, an important fundraising day at Notre Dame in April. Details will follow once the date is announced.

To donate (1) or (2) will work:
1) Go to
Click the "Make a Gift" button.
Enter the amount you wish to contribute.
In the "Additional Details About my Gift:" type in "Men's Water Polo Club".

2) Make a check payable to the University of Notre Dame.
Specify "Men's Water Polo Club" on the memo line.
Mail to University of Notre Dame, Department of Development, 1100 Grace Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556

Thank you!