Matlab codes for  the two-dimensional
compact implicit integration factor (cIIF) methods

1. For the example of the section 3.1.1 in the paper [1] (page 5248).
2. For the dorsal-ventral patterning in Drosophila embryos, the section 3.2.1 in the paper [1] (page 5249).

[1] Q. Nie, F. Wan, Y.-T. Zhang and X.-F. Liu, Compact integration factor methods in high spatial dimensions, Journal of Computational Physics, v227, issue 10, (2008), pp. 5238-5255.

[2] Q. Nie, Y.-T. Zhang and R. Zhao, Efficient semi-implicit schemes for stiff systems, Journal of Computational Physics, v214, (2006), pp. 521-537.

Contact: Yong-Tao Zhang (email: yzhang10 AT