Compiler, platform and others
Gnu Compiler: g++ (GCC) 4.1.1 and f77 GCC 3.2.3 (linker)
Intel Compiler: icc 15.0
Platform I am using: Redhat 7.3. Kernel Version: 3.10.0-514
Useful linkage:
Necessary Fortran Packages
Source Code
2D Conservative Tracking for Euler Equations
Source Code
Input File (Imploding elliptical shock in cylindrical coords)
1. In .cshrc file, add the following:
setenv shared no #### do not use shared libraries.
setenv HDFHOME /opt/HDF4.2r1/NewHDF #### set the hdf library path for output hdf graphic files.
#### I use HDF4.2r1, which can be obtained from
2. mkdir FronTier/src
3. cp 20070928-gas.tar.gz FronTier/src #### copy the source code to the FronTier/src directory
4. gunzip 20070928-gas.tar.gz
5. tar cvf 20070928-gas.tar
6. # under the util directory, make utility library
make -i DBX=-g useCC=yes fully_consv=yes >& Makelog.dbx & #### make command
7. # make dependent fortran libs
cp pak.tar.gz FronTier/src
gunzip pak.tar.gz
tar cvf pak.tar
cd pak
8. # under the gas directory, make exe and other libs.
make -i DBX=-g useCC=yes fully_consv=yes >& Makelog.dbx & #### make command
9. # under the gas directory, build in directory to save input file
10. # To run the program, excute the following command under the gas directory
i686-FC-CC/gas -i in/impf16RM -o out/impf16RM
2D Front Tracking for N-S Equations
Source Code
Input File (RT with multimode perturbed interface)
1. # the system of linear equation solver is petsc (I use version 2.3.2)
# in .cshrc file add the following :
setenv PETSC yes
setenv PETSC_DIR /home/zxu2/petsc-2.3.3-p3
setenv PETSC_ARCH linux-gnu-c-debug
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $PETSC_DIR/lib/linux-gnu-c-debug/
2. # The petsc can be downloaded from
# The instruction for installing petsc is also there.
3. # under any subdirectory, do step 2 - 9 of code installation for conservative tracking.
4. # To run the program, excute the following command under the gas directory
i686-FC-CC/gas -i in/rand2 -o out/rand2
2D P^2 DG Code using HR
Source Code
Input File (2D Burgers Eqn. Shock Tube, Shu_Osher, Double Mach etc.)
1. Mesh generation uses EasyMesh package.
Mesh for Burgers equation test: Mesh
2D P^1 Central-DG Code
Source Code
Input Files (Accuracy test. Rotor.)
1. In .cshrc file, add the following:
setenv shared no #### do not use shared libraries.
2. mkdir FronTier/src
3. cp 20170309-gas.tar.gz FronTier/src #### copy the source code to the FronTier/src directory
4. gunzip 20170309-gas.tar.gz
5. tar cvf 20170309-gas.tar
6. # under the util directory, make utility library
make -i useCC=yes fully_consv=yes useINTEL=yes PP={$HOSTTYPE}.mpich >& Makelog.mpich-O & #### make command
7. # under the gas directory, make exe and other libs.
make -i useCC=yes fully_consv=yes useINTEL=yes PP={$HOSTTYPE}.mpich >& Makelog.mpich-O >& Makelog.mpich-O & #### make command
8. # under the gas directory, build in directory to save input file
9. # To run the program, execute the following command under the gas directory
mpiexec -np 4 x86_64.mpich-FC-CC/gas -i in/acc_mag_vort_evo -o out/acc_mag_vort_evo