ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

240. Bibliography. -- Cf. 120. EHRLE, Die päpstliche Encyklika v. 4 Aug. 1879 u. die Restauration des christ. Philos., in the Stimmen aus Maria-Laacb, 1880. Four articles, of which second concerns scholasticism in the thirteenth century. Same writer: Beitr. z. Gesch. d. mittel. Scholastik. II. Der Augustinismus u. d. Aristotelismus in d. Scholastik gegen Ende d. 13 Jahrh. in the Arch. f. Litt. u. Kirchengesch. Mitt., 1889, Bd. v., pp. 603.35. Publishes important texts of Robert Kilwardby. J. Peckham über d. Kampf d. Augustinismus u. Aristotelismus des d 2en Hälfte d. 13 Jahrh. in the Zeitschr. f. Kathol. Theol., 1889, Bd. xiii., pp. 172-93. Texts from Peckham. Two articles of great value. Same writer: Das Studium der Handschriften d. mittelalterl. Scholastik mit besonderer Berücksichigung d. Schule d. hl. Bonaventura (Zeitsch. f. Kath. Theol., 1883, pp. 1-50). Contains (pp. 40-51) a classification of the earlier Franciscan schools into five groups. MANDONNET, Siger de Brabant, etc., pp. 62 sqq. Studies well the two tendencies, but neglects, wrongly as we think, the Aristotelian elements in the Augustinian schools. DE WULF, Le traité De Unitate Formae de Gilles de Lessines (Louvain, 1901, tom. i., des philosophes Belges). Text and study: ch. ii. deals with classification of schools in thirteenth century. PORTALIÉ, s.v. Augustinisme in the Dict. de Théol. Cath. (t. i., cols. 2506-2514). Sums up and arranges the conclusions of previous investigations. Cf. the Scholia of the large edition of St. Bonaventure for the history of individual theories in the earlier scholasticism. DE MARTIGNÉ, op. cit., 237. SIMMLER, Des Sommes de théologie (Paris, 1871).

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