Reading: TAPL Section 5.2, pages 65-67.
TAPL doesn’t attempt to explain the fixed-point combinator and says (p. 65, fn. 8) that such explanations are “fairly intricate.” Here’s an attempt at one.
The book defines a function called test
which always
evaluates both of its arms (under call-by-value evaluation). This is
often not what we want, especially when recursion is involved.
Exercise 5.2.9 shows how to rewrite the factorial function using
; here’s a definition of if
that works the
same way. Note that it’s not a function, but a “macro”.
if l then m else n ≡ (test l (λz. m) (λz. n)) c0
“Manual” recursion
We’d like to define a factorial function recursively:
fac ≡ λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (fac (prd n))
But this definition is circular. So, let’s make fac
available to itself as a local variable:
fac' ≡ λf. λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (f (prd n))
Then we promise that whenever fac'
is invoked, it will
receive itself as its first argument. It may seem like we could
just define fac ≡ fac' fac'
, but we need to keep this
promise even for the recursive call as well. So we modify
fac" ≡ λh. λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (h h (prd n))
Now we can define
fac ≡ fac" fac"
To see how this works, note that
fac ≡ fac" fac"
≡ (λh. λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (h h (prd n))) fac"
⟶ λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (fac" fac" (prd n))
So whenever you self-apply fac"
, it unrolls one step of
recursion – only one, because the new occurrence of
fac" fac"
is buried deep in the term and self-applies just
before the actual recursive call is made.
Check that fac c3 = c6
fac c3 ≡ fac" fac" c3
≡ (λh. λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (h h (prd n))) fac" c3
⟶ (λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (fac" fac" (prd n))) c3
⟶ if iszro c3 then c1 else times c3 (fac" fac" (prd c3))
⟶* if fls then c1 else times c3 (fac" fac" (prd c3))
⟶* times c3 (fac" fac" (prd c3))
⟶v* times c3 (fac" fac" c2)
(The ⟶v
is because the next redex is
times c3
, but we don’t want to expand the definition of
.) The recursion happens similarly two more times:
⟶v* times c3 (times c2 (fac" fac" c1))
⟶v* times c3 (times c2 (times c1 (fac" fac" c0)))
And now the base case:
≡ times c3 (times c2 (times c1 ((λh. λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (h h (prd n))) fac" c0)))
⟶v times c3 (times c2 (times c1 ((λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (fac" fac" (prd n))) c0)))
⟶v times c3 (times c2 (times c1 (if iszro c0 then c1 else times c0 (fac" fac" (prd c0)))))
⟶v* times c3 (times c2 (times c1 (if tru then c1 else times c0 (fac" fac" (prd c0)))))
⟶v* times c3 (times c2 (times c1 c1))
⟶v* times c3 (times c2 c1)
⟶v* times c3 c2
⟶v* c6
The fixed-point combinator
This works. But, it’s still not very convenient for the programmer to
define recursive functions this way. We previously discarded
as incorrect, but it’s simple, so it would be
convenient to have a function fix
such that we can define
fac ≡ fix fac'
Let’s look at fac'
and fac"
again and think
about how we might express fac"
(or something equivalent)
in terms of fac'
fac' ≡ λf. λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (f (prd n))
fac" ≡ λh. λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (h h (prd n))
How about:
fac" ≡ λh. fac' (h h)
Unfortunately, that leads to infinite recursion before we even apply
fac" fac"
to a number:
fac" fac" ≡ (λh. fac' (h h)) fac"
⟶ fac' (fac" fac")
⟶ fac' (fac' (fac" fac"))
⟶ fac' (fac' (fac' (fac" fac")))
To delay the recursion, wrap the self-application h h
inside a λv. … v
(known as an η-expansion):
fac" ≡ λh. fac' (λv. h h v)
fac" fac" ≡ (λh. fac' (λv. h h v)) fac"
⟶ fac' (λv. fac" fac" v)
≡ (λf. λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n (f (prd n))) (λv. fac" fac" v)
⟶ λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n ((λv. fac" fac" v) (prd n))
Good – now the self-application fac" fac"
happens just
before the recursive call, as before.
Now we want a function fix
such that
fix fac' = fac" fac"
fix ≡ λg. (λh. g (λv. h h v)) (λh. g (λv. h h v))
This function is known as the call-by-value fixed-point combinator,
and is also written as Z
. If we define
fac ≡ fix fac'
, it reduces to fac" fac"
fac ≡ fix fac'
≡ (λg. (λh. g (λv. h h v)) (λh. g (λv. h h v))) fac'
⟶ (λh. fac' (λv. h h v)) (λh. fac' (λv. h h v))
≡ fac" fac"
We can check that fac c3 = c6
fac c3 ⟶ fac" fac" c3
⟶² (λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n ((λv. fac" fac" v) (prd n))) c3
⟶ if iszro c3 then c1 else times c3 ((λv. fac" fac" v) (prd c3))
⟶* if fls then c1 else times c3 ((λv. fac" fac" v) (prd c3))
⟶* times c3 ((λv. fac" fac" v) (prd c3))
⟶v* times c3 ((λv. fac" fac" v) c2)
⟶v times c3 (fac" fac" c2)
The recursion happens two more times:
⟶v* times c3 (times c2 (fac" fac" c1))
⟶v* times c3 (times c2 (times c1 (fac" fac" c0)))
And now the base case:
⟶v² times c3 (times c2 (times c1 (λn. if iszro n then c1 else times n ((λv. fac" fac" v) (prd n))) c0))
⟶v times c3 (times c2 (times c1 (if iszro c0 then c1 else times c0 ((λv. fac" fac" v) (prd c0)))))
⟶v* times c3 (times c2 (times c1 (if tru then c1 else times c0 ((λv. fac" fac" v) (prd c0)))))
⟶v* times c3 (times c2 (times c1 c1))
⟶v* times c3 (times c2 c1)
⟶v* times c3 c2
⟶v* c6
Question. What would happen if we had used the
better-known Y
combinator (namesake of the startup incubator), shown below,
instead of Z
? What is the Y
combinator good
Y ≡ λg. (λh. g (h h)) (λh. g (h h))
Here’s a sketch of how a Turing machine might be simulated in the lambda calculus.
We’ll represent the tape as two lists (Exercise 5.2.8). We can
represent both tape symbols and states using Church numerals, with a
designated tape symbol blank
and designated start and
accept states q0
and qf
. We need a definition
of equal
that works on both tape symbols and states
(Exercise 5.2.7).
Then, given a Turing machine, construct a function
f ≡ λf. λq. λl. λa. λr.
if equal q qf then tru
# for each transition (Q, A, Q', A', N):
else if and (equal q Q) (equal a A) then
f Q' l A' r
# for each transition (Q, A, Q', A', L):
else if and (equal q Q) (equal a A) then
if (isnil l) then
f Q' (tail l) (head l) (cons A' r)
f Q' l A' r
# for each transition (Q, A, Q', A', R):
else if and (equal q Q) (equal a A) then
if isnil r then
f Q' (cons A' l) blank nil
f Q' (cons A' l) (head r) (tail r)
else fls
Then λw. fix f q0 nil (head w) (tail w)
simulates the
Turing machine.