Homework 4: Polymorphism
- Due: 11/11 at 11:59pm
- Points: 30
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1. Options
An option is a simple data structure that either holds a
single value (some v
) or nothing (none
). In
the untyped λ-calculus, we can define them as follows:
some ≡ λx. λs. λn. s x
none ≡ λs. λn. n
caseoption ≡ λo. λs. λn. o s n
takes two “callbacks”: if o
contains a value v
, it calls s v
; but if
contains no value, it returns n
. These
definitions satisfy the following equations:
caseoption (some x) s n = s x
caseoption none s n = n
Write a definition in pure System F for
, the type of options of Nats, and forsome
. When you erase all the types from your definitions ofnone
, they should match the untyped definitions above.NatOption ≡ _____ none : NatOption none ≡ _____ some : Nat → NatOption some ≡ _____
What should the type of
be, and how would you definecaseoption
? (There’s more than one possible answer.) When you erase all the types from your definition it should match the untyped definition above.caseoption : _____ caseoption ≡ _____
2. Parametricity
For each of the following types, write how many different (non-observationally equivalent, to be precise) terms there are that have that type. If your answer is nonzero but finite, list out the terms. If your answer is infinity, list out three of them. Hint: I put them in increasing order.
∀X. ∀Y. (X → X → Y) → Y
∀X. ∀Y. (X → X → Y) → X → Y
∀X. ∀Y. (X → X → Y) → X → X → Y
∀X. (X → X → X) → X → X
3. Lists
For this exercise, please use System F with built-in Nat
and Bool
(i.e., no fix
In System F, we can define lists of numbers as:
NatList ≡ ∀R. (Nat→R→R) → R → R
nil ≡ λR. λc:Nat→R→R. λn:R. n
cons ≡ λh:Nat. λt:NatList. λR. λc:Nat→R→R. λn:R. c h (t [R] c n)
[Added 2022-10-31:] This encoding (see Exercise 5.2.8 on p. 63 and its solution on p. 500) is known as the Böhm-Berarducci encoding of lists, and is analogous to Church numerals. We can use this encoding to define various functions on lists, for example:
length ≡ λl:NatList. l [Nat] (λh:Nat. λt:Nat. succ t) 0
allzero ≡ λl:NatList. l [Bool] (λh:Nat. λt:Bool. and (iszero h) t) true
Write a definition for a function
append : NatList → NatList → NatList
that concatenates two lists together. Hint: Try writing it in OCaml first, using onlyfold_right
.Write a definition for a function
reverse : NatList → NatList
that reverses a list. Hint: Useappend