Homework 1: Inductive definitions and proofs

  • Due: 09/02 at 11:59pm
  • Points: 30

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1. Red-black trees: definition

In class, we saw a definition of binary trees whose nodes are labeled with integers.

Here’s a definition of binary trees whose nodes are colored either red or black. It defines a judgement t bintree that holds if and only if t is a binary tree with red or black nodes.

t1 bintree   t2 bintree
———————————————————————   c ∈ {red,black}
    c(t1,t2) bintree

       —————————          c ∈ {red,black}
       c bintree

Remember that we represent trees as symbolic expressions. For example, the tree drawn in Figure 1 is represented as black(red(black,black),black).

Figure 1: Example binary tree.
  1. Write a definition of the judgement t rbtree that holds iff t is a binary tree whose colors satisfy the rules for red-black trees:
  • The root is black.

  • The leaves are black.

  • If a node is red, then both its children are black.

  • For each node, there is a number b (called its black-height) such that every path from the node to a leaf has exactly b black nodes.

    Hint: First define the “helper” judgement t rbtree(c,b), which holds iff t is a red-black tree with root color c and black-height b. (For this “helper” judgement only, the requirement that the root is black is not enforced.) Then define t rbtree in terms of t rbtree(c,b).

  1. Write a proof tree that shows that the tree shown in Figure 1 is a red-black tree.

2. Red-black trees: height bound

Define the height of a tree to be the maximum number of edges in a path from root to leaf. (Yes, it’s strange that black-height counts nodes but height counts edges.) You learned in Data Structures, but may not have proven, that the height of a red-black tree is O(log n), which makes them good for implementing dictionaries.

Prove, by induction(s) on the structure of derivations, that a red-black tree with n nodes has height at most 2 log2 (n+1) − 2. Hint: Do this in three steps:

  • Prove that if t rbtree(c,b), then t has n ≥ 2b − 1 nodes.

  • Prove that if t rbtree(c,b), then t has height h ≤ 2b − 1 if c is red, and h ≤ 2b − 2 if c is black.

  • Conclude that h ≤ 2 log2 (n+1) − 2.

Note: This is the last time you will see a logarithm in this class!

3. Semantics of NB

Due on Monday 09/05 at 11:59pm

  1. Using small-step semantics (with or without evaluation contexts – your choice), show that if iszero (pred (succ zero)) then false else true if iszero zero then false else true.

  2. Show that if iszero (pred (succ zero)) then false else true * false using a sequence of reductions, that is, fill in the ... below:

    if iszero (pred (succ zero)) then false else true
     if iszero zero then false else true

    It’s enough to write the sequence of reductions; you don’t have to prove each step.

  3. Using big-step semantics, show that if iszero (pred (succ zero)) then false else true ⇓ false (corrected 09/01)