"An Experimental Study on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Rectangular Cylinders with Various Corner Cuts.", Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, KAIST, Korea, February 2001 |
"An Experimental Study on the Aerodynamic Control of Bridge Tower.", M.S. Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, KAIST, Korea, February 1995 |
Journal articles
Kwon, D., and Kareem, A. (2011), "Peak Factor for Non-Gaussian Load Effects Revisited." Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2011, Accepted. |
Kwon, D., and Kareem, A. (2009). "Gust-front factor: A new framework for wind load effects on structures." Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, ASCE, 135(6), 717-732. |
Kwon, D., Kijewski-Correa, T. and Kareem, A. (2008). "e-Analysis of High-Rise Buildings Subjected to Wind Loads." Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 134(7), 1139-1153. |
Kijewski-Correa, T., Kilpatrick, J., Kareem, A., Kwon, D. K., Bashor, R., Kochly, M., Young, B. S., Abdelrazaq, A., Galsworthy, J., Isyumov, N., Morrish, D., Sinn, R. C., and Baker, W. F. (2006). "Validating the Wind-Induced Response of Tall Buildings: A Synopsis of the Chicago Full-Scale Monitoring Program." Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 132(10), 1509-1523. The ASCE 2008 State-of-the-Art of Civil Engineering Award |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (2003). "Effects of corner cuts and angles of attack on the Strouhal number of rectangular cylinders." Wind and Structures, 6(2), 127-140. |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (2000). "Determination of the Strouhal Number based on the aerodynamic behavior of rectangular cylinders." Wind and Structures, 3(3), 209-220. |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (1999). "Aerodynamic stability for square cylinder with various corner cuts." Wind and Structures, 2(3), 173-187. |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (1998). "Wind tunnel blockage effects on aerodynamic behavior of bluff body." Wind and Structures, 1(4), 351-364. |
Kwon, D. K., and Kareem, A. (2004). "A study on the on-line processing method for full-scale monitoring data of structures subject to wind load." Journal of the Wind Engineering Institute of Korea. (In Korean) |
Kwon, D. K., and Kareem, A. (2004). "A numerical study on mitigation of structural vibration using TLCD under fluctuating wind loads." Journal of the Wind Engineering Institute of Korea. (In Korean) |
Kwon, D. K., Choi, C. K., and Kim, H. S. (2001). "An Experimental Study on the Strouhal Number of Rectangular Cylinder with Corner Cuts and Attach Angles (I) : Determination of Strouhal Number.", Journal of Wind Engineering Institute of Korea, 5(2), 165-172. (In Korean) |
Kwon, D. K., Choi, C. K., and Kim, H. S. (2001). "An Experimental Study on the Strouhal Number of Rectangular Cylinder with Corner Cuts and Attach Angles (II) : Characteristics of Strouhal Number.", Journal of Wind Engineering Institute of Korea, 5(2), 173-179. (In Korean) |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (2000). "An experimental study on the aerodynamic characteristics of rectangular cylinder with various corner cuts." Journal of Wind Engineering Institute of Korea, 4(2), 199-218. (In Korean) |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (1999). "Wind tunnel blockage effects on aerodynamic behaviors of square section." Journal of the Wind Engineering Institute of Korea, 3(1), 89-98. (In Korean) |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (1997). "An experimental study on the aerodynamic improvement of box-shaped bridge." Journal of the Wind Engineering Institute of Korea, 1(1), 135-143. (In Korean) |
Conference proceedings
Dae Kun Kwon, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Ahsan Kareem (2011). "SmartSync Framework in Structural Health Monitoring.", 2011 International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), London, United Kingdom, September. |
Dae Kun Kwon, Ahsan Kareem, Kyle Butler (2011). "Gust-Front Loading Effects on Wind Turbine Tower Systems.", 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE 13), Amsterdam, Netherlands, July. |
Megan McCullough, Ahsan Kareem, Dae-Kun Kwon (2011). "Advanced analysis, modeling, and simulation tools for wind effects: From surrogates to copulas.", 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE 13), Amsterdam, Netherlands, July. |
D. Kwon, T. Kijewski-Correa, A. Kareem (2011). "Event-Driven SmartSync System for Structural Health Monitoring of Tall Buildings.", 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE 13), Amsterdam, Netherlands, July. |
Dae Kun Kwon, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Ahsan Kareem, Jeffrey Loftus (2010). "SmartSync: An Integrated Real-Time Monitoring and System Identification Platform for Tall Buildings." 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, July. |
D. Kwon, T. Kijewski-Correa and A. Kareem (2010). "SmartSync: An Integrated Real-Time Monitoring and SI System for Tall Buildings." 2010 Structures Congress, ASCE, Orlando, Florida, May. |
D. Kwon, A. Kareem (2009). "Peak Factor for Non-Gaussian Processes Revisited." 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE-VII), Taipei, Taiwan, November. |
D. Kwon, A. Kareem (2009). "A Framework for Generalized Gust-front Factor." 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering (EACWE 5), Florence, Italy, July. |
D. Kwon, A. Kareem (2009). "A Framework for Gust-Front Factor." 11th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering (ACWE 11), Puerto Rico, June. |
Kwon, D., and Kareem, A. (2007). "Gust-front factor: A new framework for the analysis of wind load effects in gust-fronts." Proc. 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Cairns, Australia. |
Kareem, A., Butler, K., and Kwon, D. (2006). "Modeling and Simulation of Transient Wind Load Effects." Proceedings of the 4th UJNR Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects Workshop on Wind Engineering, July 20-21, Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan. |
Kwon, D., Kijewski-Correa, T., and Kareem, A. (2005). "e-Analysis/Design of tall buildings subjected to wind loads." Proceedings of 10th Americas Conference On Wind Engineering, Baton Rouge, LA, May 31-June 4. |
Kijewski-Correa. T., Kilpatrick, J., Kwon, D. K., Bashor, R., Young, B. S., Abdelrazaq, A., Galsworthy, J., Morrish, D., Sinn, R. C., Baker, W. F., Isyumov, N., and Kareem, A. (2005). "Full-scale validation of the wind-induced response of tall buildings: Updated findings from the chicago monitoring project." Proceedings of 10th Americas Conference On Wind Engineering, Baton Rouge, LA, May 31-June 4. |
Kijewski-Correa, T., Kilpatrick, J., Bashor, R., Kwon, D. K., Young, B., Sinn, R., Galsworthy, J., Morrish, D., Isyumov, N., and Kareem, A. (2005). "Full-scale validation of the wind-induced response of tall buildings: Updated findings from the chicago monitoring project." Proceedings of ASCE Structures Congress, New York, April 20-24. |
Kijewski, T., Kwon, D. K., and Kareem, A. (2003). "E-technologies for wind effects on structures." Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Wind Engineering, 2-5 June, Lubbock, TX. |
Kilpatrick, J., Kijewski, T., Williams, T., Kwon, D. K., Young, B., Abdelrazaq, A., Galsworthy, J., Morrish, D., Isyumov, N., and Kareem, A. (2003). "Full scale validation of the predicted response of tall buildings: preliminary results of the chicago monitoring project." Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Lubbock, TX, 2-5 June. |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (2001). "The characteristics of Strouhal Number of rectangular cylinders with various corner cuts." The Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE V), Kyoto, Japan. |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (2000). "Aerodynamic stability for rectangular cylinders with various corner cuts." The Fourth International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and its Applications (BBAA IV), Germany, 11-14 September. |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (2000). "Aerodynamic characteristics of rectangular cylinders with corner cuts." The First Symposium on Wind and Structure for the 21st Century, Korea, January. |
Choi, C. K., Yu, W. J., and Kwon, D. K. (1998). "Comparison between the CFD and wind tunnel experiment for tall building with various corner shapes." International Conference on Tall Building (ICTB), Hong Kong, December. |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (1995). "Wind tunnel experiments for long span bridges : The case of young-heung bridge." International Symposium on Public Infrastructure Systems Research, Seoul, Korea, 25-27 September. |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (2001). "Wind tunnel experiment and cfd on the aerodynamic stabilization methods for the main girder of long-span bridge." Proceedings of the Wind Engineering Institute of Korea Symposium, June. (In Korean) |
Choi, C. K., Kwon, D. K., Kim, S. H. (2000). "An experimental study on the aerodynamic characteristics of rectangular cylinder with various corner cuts." Proceedings of the Wind Engineering Institute of Korea Symposium, June. (In Korean) |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (1999). "An aerodynamic characteristics study on various section shapes of rectangular cylinder." Proceedings of the Wind Engineering Institute of Korea Symposium, May. (In Korean) |
Choi, C. K., and Kwon, D. K. (1998). "Structural vibration control using instantaneous optimal control algorithm." Proceedings of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 11(1). (In Korean) |
Choi, C. K., Kwon, D. K., and Lee, E. J. (1996). "Predictive control of structural vibration subject to wind loads." Proceedings of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 9(2). (In Korean) |
Kim, Y. S., and Kwon, D. K. (1994). "Experimental study on aerodynamic improvements for bridge tower." Proceedings of Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, October. (In Korean) |
Kim, Y. S., Park, J. I., and Kwon, D. K. (1994). "Effects on aerodynamic responses due to bridge-deck shapes." Proceedings of Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, October (In Korean). |
Kim, Y. S., Park, J. I., Kim, C. W., and Kwon, D. K. (1993). "An experimental study on the wind-resistance of bridge section with two i-type girders." Proceedings of Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, October. (In Korean) |