Selected projects as a major participant
Global Center of Excellence: New Frontier of Education and Research in Wind Engineering, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), 2008-2013 |
Structural Monitoring for a Super Tall Building in Burj Khalifa, Samsung Corporation, Samsung Design and Construction Group, South Korea, 2009 - 2011 |
VORTEX-Winds: A Virtual Organization for Reducing the Toll of EXtreme Winds on society, National Science Foundation, CMMI 07-42191 |
Structural Health Assessment During Construction in Burj Dubai, Samsung Corporation, Samsung Design and Construction Group, 2006-2008 |
Study of Load Effects on Structures Induced by Gust-Fronts, National Science Foundation, CMS 03-24331 |
Full-Scale Study of the Behavior of Tall Buildings Under Winds, National Science Foundation, CMS 00-85109 |
Wind-Resistant Design of Geo-Geum Great Bridge, Kum-Ho Engineering, Korea, 2000-2001 |
Wind-Resistant Design of Young-Heung Great Bridge, Yooshin Corporation, Korea, 1995 |
Wind-Resistant Design of Bridge Section with Two I-Type Girders, Hyundai Institute of Construction and Technology, Korea, 1994 |
Aerodynamic Stability of Seo-Hae Great Bridge, Hyundai Institute of Construction and Technology, Korea, 1993 |