In May 2006, Larry M. AUGUSTIN (B.S.,
EE ’84) was appointed to the board of directors of XenSource,
Inc. He also serves on the boards of Fonality, Hyperic, JBoss, Medsphere,
OSDL, Pentaho, SugarCRM, and VA Software, formerly VA Linux, which
he founded in 1993. |
AERO ’88; Ph.D., AERO ’93) was named dean of the T.J. Smull
College of Engineering at Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio, in
July 2006. Previously, Baumgartner had spent 10 years at NASA’s
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. |
Dennis BOYLE (B.S., ME ’75)
was awarded the 2006 College of Engineering Honor Award from the Department
of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. He is a principal and senior
design studio leader at IDEO, a global product design firm whose headquarters
are in Palo Alto, Calif. Boyle holds more than 50 patents and is the
originator of the “Tech Box.” |
Air Force colonel Michael T. GOOD (Ph.D.,
EE ’73), was named to the crew of the 2008 Hubble Space Telescope
repair mission on October 31, 2006. The purpose of the flight, Good’s
first shuttle mission, is to boost the satellite into a higher orbit
and replace its batteries and gyroscopes. |
In September 2006 on the 50th anniversary
of the development of the first practical solar cell, triple Domer Lawrence
L. KAZMERSKI (B.S., EE ’67; M.S., EE ’68; and
Ph.D., EE ’71) was presented with the Nelson W. Taylor Award
in Materials Science at the University of Pennsylvania. Earlier in
the year he was also honored at the 2006 World Conference on Photovoltaic
Energy Conversion for his “outstanding contributions to the advancement
of photovoltaic science and technology.” Kazmerski is the director
of the National Center for Photovoltaics at the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory, a facility of the U.S. Department of Energy, in
Golden, Colo. |
Carlos A. PAZ DE ARAUJO (B.S.,
EE ’77; M.S., EE ’79; and Ph.D., EE ’82) has received
the 2006 Daniel E. Noble Award from the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers for his work in ferroelectric random access memory.
The award is presented annually in recognition of outstanding contributions
to emerging technologies. Paz de Araujo, a professor of electrical
and computer engineering at the University of Colorado at Colorado
Springs, is the first American university professor to receive it. |
Applied Micro Circuits Corp. announced
that Niel
RANSOM (Ph.D., EE ’73), former chief technology officer
of Alcatel, was elected to its board of directors in July 2006. Ransom
also serves on the boards of ECI Telecom, Overture Networks, and
Teknovus. |
ME ’96) received a 2006 CAREER award from the National Science
Foundation. An assistant professor of mechanical engineering at The
Ohio State University, his award-winning proposal will study how the
brain initiates motor skills in order to develop a robot that will
aid in physical rehabilitation. |
Kenneth STINSON (B.S.,
CEGEOS ’64), chairman of Peter Kiewit Sons’ Inc., was elected
to the Board of Trustees of the University in May 2006. He has served
as a member of the college advisory council since 1996. |
In April 2006 PlanView, Inc., of Austin,
Texas, named Patrick A. TICKLE (B.S., EE ’87)
chief marketing officer, responsible for worldwide marketing operations.
Prior to joining PlanView, Tickle served as vice president of marketing
and product management at ITM Software. |