various astronomy-related historical images

Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop - ND VI June 19-22, 2003


The Sixth Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop will be held at the University of Notre Dame on 19-22 June 2003. The Biennial History of Astronomy Workshops typically attract about 60-65 scholars interested in the history of astronomy. Comfortable and economical accomodation is available in the dormitories of Notre Dame, and provide an intimate setting for a weekend devoted to scholarship.

This year's invited speaker will be Harry Collins, from the Centre for the Study of Knowledge Expertise and Science at Cardiff University. One change in the typical schedule for the workshops is that Prof. Collins will give an opening address on Thursday evening, which will be followed by breakout sessions on Friday morning.

The program co-chairs of the workshop issue a call for proposals for work-in-progress papers, poster papers, and organized sessions.

Proposal Submission

Proposals for sessions and work-in-progress papers are due by 1 February 2003. Proposals for poster papers are due by 1 April 2003. Proposals should be sent to each of the program co-chairs, preferably by e-mail, but hard copy is acceptable.

Workshop Details

Details about the 2003 workshop are available below:

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