various astronomy-related historical images

Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop - ND VII July 7-10, 2005


The Seventh Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop will be held at the University of Notre Dame on 7-10 July 2005. The Biennial History of Astronomy Workshops typically attract about 60-65 scholars interested in the history of astronomy. Comfortable and economical accommodation is available in the dormitories of Notre Dame, and provide an intimate setting for a weekend devoted to scholarship.

This year's invited speaker will be Clive Ruggles, Professor of Archaeoastronomy in the School of Archaeology & Ancient History at the University of Leicester.

The program co-chairs of the workshop issue a call for proposals for work-in-progress papers, poster papers, and organized sessions.

Work-in-progress papers must address a topic in the history of astronomy, but a wide variety of time periods and approaches will be acceptable. Due to time constraints, we shall judge proposals on a more competitive basis than in previous years. Graduate students reporting on their dissertation projects and speakers who did not present a paper at the last workshop will receive preference. Papers will be selected in order to present a balanced schedule, with coverage of different chronological periods and historiographical approaches. Presentations will be strictly limited to twenty minutes. It is suggested that oral presentations should take ten to fifteen minutes, which will leave some time for questions and discussion. Those who wish to present work-in progress papers should submit an abstract of not more than 250 words which states clearly the topic to be covered, the current state of scholarship on the subject, and the author's own approach.

Rather than presenting a paper orally, a poster paper may be constructed for display throughout the workshop. Please note that poster papers should take advantage of the poster format, and should be visually appealing and convey information to the viewer through images (photos, diagrams, tables, etc.) and succinct text. Poster paper proposals should not be more than 250 words and should state clearly the topic to be covered and the current state of scholarship on the subject. They should also include a statement regarding how the topic benefits from a visual presentation.

Session proposals should state the theme of the session, as well as who has been contacted regarding participation in the session. The time for sessions will be limited, and a significant portion of each session should be devoted to discussion. Sessions can last between 1 and 2.5 hours; please indicate in the proposal how long the session will need to be.

Workshop Details

Details about the 2005 workshop are available below:

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