various astronomy-related historical images

Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop - ND XIV June 19-22, 2019



- The printed schedule you receive when you arrive on campus will be the definitive schedule.
- All talks will take place in rooms 210–214 of McKenna Hall (map)
- Refreshments during breaks will be available nearby.

Wednesday, June 19 Workshop Opens
7:00pm Public lecture, location: Auditorim, Eck Visitors Center (map)       Poster (PDF file)
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Omar W. Nasim, University of Regensburg, Germany (Bio)
Title: The Astronomer’s Chair: A History of Sitting and Its Image (abstract)
  A reception will follow the talk in the Atrium of the Eck Visitors Center.
Thursday, June 20 Workshop continues in 210–214 McKenna Hall
  Poster Papers will be displayed throughout the workshop

“The Accurate Interrelation between the Almagest and al-Khwarizmi Planetary Coordinates as Are Listed for Three Epochs in His Work on the Jewish Calendar,” Ariel Cohen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (abstract)

“New Eyes for Astronomy: Assessing the Smithsonian’s Collections of Astronomical Detectors,” David DeVorkin, Smithsonian Institution

“James Curley, S.J., a ‘Jesuit comet’ in Nineteenth-century American Astronomy,” Dana A. Freiburger, University of Wisconsin-Madison (abstract)

8:30 - 8:45 am Welcome and opening statements

8:45 - 11:15 am Paper Session: Electronic Imaging and Sensing in Modern Astronomy
Chair: David DeVorkin, Smithsonian Institution (session abstract)

“The Carnegie Image Tube Committee and the collaborative effort to provide two-dimensional imagers for astronomers,” Samantha Thompson (abstract)

“Technology’s Palette: Voyager’s Otherworldly Views of Jupiter and Saturn,” Elizabeth A. Kessler, Stanford University (abstract)

“Unmaking and Remaking the Image: The Photoelectric Dynasty in Wisconsin,” James Lattis, University of Wisconsin (abstract)

“Black to White? Making Images and the Political Economy of Space Astronomy, 1969 to 1990,” Robert Smith, University of Alberta (abstract)

11:15 - 11:45 am Break

11:45 am - 12:45 pm Work-in-Progress Paper Session
Chair: Thomas A. Hockey, University of Northern Iowa

“Early Mechanical Recording of the Measurement of Astronomical Images,” Allan Olley, University of Toronto (abstract)

“Instrumentalizing and Visualizing the Cosmic First Light,” Connemara Doran, Harvard University (abstract)

12:45 - 1:00 pm Group photo outside McKenna Hall

1:00 - 2:15 pm Lunch

2:15 - 3:45 pm Work-in-Progress Paper Session
Chair: Marc Rothenberg, Smithsonian Institution Archives

“On Stage with Astral Lantern and Cosmosphere: The Astronomy Lectures of Franklin Henry Bailey,” Horace A. Smith, Michigan State University (abstract)

“Visual Imagery in the Lectures of Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel, 1842–1861,” Trudy E. Bell, Sky & Telescope (abstract)

“Where’s Waldo?,” Stella Cottam (abstract)

3:45 - 4:15 pm Break

4:15 - 5:45 pm Work-in-Progress Paper Session
Chair: Scott Trigg, University of Hong Kong

“The Influence of Mechanics and Mechanical Thinking on Ptolemy’s Latitude Models,” Elizabeth Hamm, St. Mary’s College of California (abstract)

“Images as Markers of Astronomical Phenomena: Galileo’s Study of Sunspots,” Yaakov Zik, University of Haifa, and Giora Hon, University of Haifa (abstract)

“Huge, Unmoving, Dull: Kepler’s View of the Stars, and his Criticism of Bruno,” Christopher M. Graney, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Louisville, KY (abstract)

7:00 pm Reception at the home of Matt & Amy Dowd, 17890 Drury Lane Ct., Granger, IN 46530 (map)
Friday, June 21 Workshop continues in 210–214 McKenna Hall
8:30 - 10:00 am Work-in-Progress Paper Session
Chair: Elizabeth Hamm, St. Mary’s College of California

“Imagery in Mesopotamian Uranology Texts,” Erica L. Meszaros, Brown University (abstract)

“When Did Man First Realise That Space Is Black?,” Clifford J. Cunningham, University of Southern Queensland (abstract)

“From Technical and Textbooks to Literature and Poetry: Images and Astronomical Knowledge,” Durruty Jesús de Alba Martínez, Universidad de Guadalajara (abstract)

10:00 - 10:30 am Break

10:30 am - Noon Work-in-Progress Paper Session
Chair: Todd Timberlake, Berry College

“Zodiac Interrupted: Astronomy in the School of Chartres,” Marion Dolan, Indepenent Scholar (abstract)

“Adam Elsheimer and the Renaissance Night Sky,” Stefan Zieme, Humboldt University Berlin (abstract)

The Great Divorce: An Oxford Don Revises Ptolemaic Christian Cosmology,” James R. Powell, Forever Learning Institute (abstract)

Noon - 1:30 pm Lunch

1:30 - 3:30 pm Paper Session: Concepts of Space, Scale, and the Visual Culture of Astronomy
Organizer: Pedro Raposo, Adler Planetarium (session abstract)

“Cosmic Structures Expressed and Revitalized in the Mesoamerican World,” Elizabeth I. Pope, Art Institute of Chicago (abstract)

“Representing Space Below and Above the Earth’s Surface in Early Modern Florence: Dante, Galileo, and Stradano,” Lia Markey, Newberry Library (abstract)

“Sizes of Celestial Bodies: An Image from the Harmonia Macrocosmica of Andreas Cellarius,” Christopher M. Graney, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Louisville, KY (abstract)

“Scale in Astronomical Illustrations: A Historical Survey,” Pedro M. P. Raposo, Adler Planetarium (abstract)

“Fabric of the Universe: Exploring the Cosmic Web in 3-Dimensional Woven Textiles,” Isaac Facio, Art Institute of Chicago (abstract)

3:30 - 4:00 pm Break

4:00 - 5:30 pm Paper Session: Images in Medieval and Renaissance Astronomy and Natural Philosophy (session abstract)

“Bi-Visible Venus in the Medieval Cosmos: Using Heliocentric Diagrams to Explain a Rare Celestial Event,” James Brannon, Independent Scholar (abstract)

“Visualizing the Configuration (hayʿa): Manuscript Images and Text in Islamic Astronomy Education and Research,” Scott Trigg, University of Hong Kong (abstract)

“Geometric Figures in Medieval Pedagogy—A Bridge Between Campanus of Novara’s translation and the Almagest,” Joseph Baxley, University of Notre Dame (abstract)

5:30 - 6:00 pm Book event celebrating Adler sundial catalog by Sara J. Schechner, David P. Wheatland Curator Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments, Harvard University
Saturday, June 22 Workshop continues in 210–214 McKenna Hall
9:00 - 10:00 am Work-in-Progress Paper Session
Chair: Lan Quynh Nguyen, University of Notre Dame

“Photosensitive Imaging and William Herschel’s ‘Black-Making Rays’: On a Letter of John Herschel to François Arago,” Christophe Wall-Romana, University of Minnesota (abstract)

“Images of the Periodic Table That Encouraged the Discoveries of Nebulium, Helium, and Coronium,” Virginia Trimble, UCI & LCOGT (abstract)

10:00 - 10:30 am Break

10:30 am - Noon Panel: Discussion Panel: Astronomical Images in the Archive and Museum
Organizer: Omar W. Nasim, University of Regensburg

Sara Schechner, Harvard University
Louise Devoy, Greenwich Observatory

Noon - 1:30 pm Lunch

1:30 - 3:00 pm Paper Session: Starstruck: The Commercial Use of Astronomical Imagery (session abstract)

“Astronomical Imagery in Early Twentieth-Century Advertising: The Great Observatories,” Ken Rumstay, Valdosta State University (abstract)

“Bringing the Stars Home: Astronomical Advertising to Sell Goods,” Sara J. Schechner, Harvard University (abstract)

“Luring Visitors to the Royal Observatory: A Century of Advertising Posters on the London Underground,” Louise Devoy, Greenwich Observatory (abstract)

3:00 - 3:30 pm Break

3:30 - 5:00 pm Work-in-Progress Paper Session
Chair: Christopher M. Graney, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Louisville, KY

“Visual Media and the Yerkes Telescope in Late Nineteenth-Century Chicago,” Lee Minnerly, Independent Scholar (abstract)

“Communicating the History of Astronomy with Interactive Visualizations,” Todd Timberlake, Berry College (abstract)

“@HistAstro: The Impact of Images in the History of Astronomy on Tweeple in the Twitterverse,” Voula Saridakis, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago (abstract)

5:00 - 5:30 pm Business Meeting

5:30 - 6:30 pm Free Time

6:30 pm Workshop banquet will be held in McKenna Hall, lower-level dining area (map location).
Following the meal, we will move upstairs to rooms 210–214 for the after-dinner lecture.

Invited Speaker Lecture:
“Astrophotography: Rethinking the History of Photography” (abstract)
Omar W. Nasim, University of Regensburg

Evening Observing Session at Notre Dame Observatory (weather permitting)
Planned: Viewing of the Sarah L. Krizmanich Telescope

Acknowledgments: Generous support for the workshop is provided by the Graduate Program in the History and Philosophy of Science, the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts (ISLA), the College of Science’s Nieuwland Lecture Series, the College of Arts and Letters, and the Department of Physics of the University of Notre Dame, as well as the Vatican Observatory Foundation and the Adler Planetarium.

© 2025 University of Notre Dame.     Image Credits