various astronomy-related historical images

Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop - ND XVirtual June 8-10, 2022


All virtual sessions to take place online 1:00pm–3:00pm U.S. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Zoom link(s) for each session will be sent out to registered participants the week before the online sessions. Register here.

There is no cost to attend or participate. Click here to download a →JPG← or →PDF← version of the below program.

Wednesday, June 8 Online Session #1
1:00pm–3:00pm EDT Session Title: Extending the Observatory‘s Reach: How Astronomers at Greenwich Communicated with Different Audiences (session abstract)

“From Alms to Almanacs: The Astronomical Writing Practices of James Glaisher, Edwin Dunkin, and William Ellis,” Daniel Belteki, Royal Museums Greenwich (abstract)

“Astronomical Communications in Time of War: Greenwich Observatory and International Astronomy, 1914–1918,” Lee Macdonald, Royal Museums Greenwich (abstract)

“‘Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens’: The Evangelical Popular Astronomy of Walter and Annie Maunder, 1890–1940,” Louise Devoy, Royal Museums Greenwich (abstract)

Thursday, June 9 Online Session #2
1:00pm–3:00pm EDT Session Title: Communicating Astronomy in the Twentieth Century, Case Studies

“Amateurs Communicating Astronomy Through Data and Images : The ‘Hubble’s Hidden Treasures’ Contest, A Case Study,” Maxime Harvey, University of Québec (abstract)

“Astronomical Laboratories and the Global Networks of Dutch Astrophotography,” Chaokang Tai, University of Regensburg (abstract)

“Knowledge Organization through Communication: The Case of Research on Multiple and Interacting Galaxies (1925–1980),” Karin Pelte, Technical University Berlin (abstract)

Friday, June 10 Online Session #3
1:00pm–3:00pm EDT Session Title: ET Life, UFOs, and the Boundaries Between Theology and Science in the Modern Era (session abstract)

“William Whewell, Habitable Zones, and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life before the Age of the Flying Saucer Myth,” Michael Crowe, University of Notre Dame (abstract)

“Evangelical Christian Speculation about UFOs in the Age of the Flying Saucer Myth,” Todd M. Thompson, Biola University (abstract)

“The Extraterrestrial Enlightenment Myth in the Twentieth Century and Beyond,” Michael Keas, Biola University (abstract)

Acknowledgments: Generous support for the workshop is provided by the Graduate Program in the History and Philosophy of Science, the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts (ISLA), the College of Science’s Nieuwland Lecture Series, the College of Arts and Letters, the Department of Physics of the University of Notre Dame, and the Program of Liberal Studies of the University of Notre Dame, as well as the Vatican Observatory Foundation and the Adler Planetarium.

© 2025 University of Notre Dame.     Image Credits