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What is the difference between the Endurance tee & the T2G?

The Endurance tee is made from a blend of composite resins and natural starches. The endurance tee has significant durability characteristics and takes longer to degrade than the T2G.

The T2G is an ever evolving tee made from the latest biopolymer materials. The technology of biopolymers is rapidly evolving and Eco Golf continually updates the T2G to stay current with the latest materials that offer the best performance and fastest biodegradation. The current T2G eco tee will biodegrade in under 60 days in a compost environment.

How long do they take to biodegrade?

The endurance tee will degrade in roughly 12 months in compost and about 36 – 48 months buried in the ground. The tee is not water soluble.

The T2G will biodegrade in around 60 days in compost and about 12 months in the ground. Eco is experimenting with materials for the next generation of T2G that can biodegrade in as little as two weeks.

Will them harm my mowing equipment?

All tees will do some damage to mowing equipment. The eco tee minimizes this damage by utilizing softer less impact resistant materials than wood.

Isn’t wood biodegradable?

 Yes wood is biodegradable; however, the eco tee is made from annually renewable resources whereas it takes 40 years to grow a tree to size for manufacture of golf tees.