201 Hamilton Drive
Knox, IN 46534
888 326 3003 phone
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Tee box litter and blade damage. We can help!
The number one compliant we at Eco Golf hear about wood golf tees is tee box litter and resulting mower damage. The Eco tee rarely breaks. Most golfers will only use one or two tees for an 18 hole round. This can reduce your tee box litter by 90% or more. This is a benefit on the course and on the driving range. The Eco tee is much softer than wood and does not splinter. No more punctured tires, less time sharpening and replacing damaged mower blades.
 The Eco Tee has a 90%+ user favorability rating over a wood tee. Superintendents love the Eco Tee because they cause less damage to mower blades than wood tees plus with less breakage the Eco Tee reduces tee box litter. |