Daily life: 277
Danger: 276
beauty of dangerous life, 17
David, King: 164
danger of, 203, 204
premature, 204-205
rate, 206
Decadence: easy life, 19
Decision: power of, 189-190
Declaration of Independence: 201
Decrees: 86
Dedication: 308
Deficiency theory: 4, 6, 8
Definition: 208-210
Deliberation: 86, 123-124, 137
Democracy: 4, 175, 217
all democracies varyingly direct, 184
archetype of, 150
Aristotle's usage, 176
authoritarianism, 141
authority and, 139-140, 144-194
character of assembly retained, 189
character of, 99
class struggle, 256
coercion and persuasion in, 115, 118-119
common man, 215
corruption; masked anarchy, 185
defects in, 17
definition, 75-76
democratic faith / spirit. 16, 17
distinctive features, 15
distrust, 317
expectations from, 127-128
few and the many, 15-16
freedom features. 75-76
liberalism and, 119, 124
majority vote, 181
modern democracies as mixed
regimes. 107-108
monarchy and, 106, 172
one-party system, 105
optimistic vision of mankind, 93
overgovernment, 5
persuasion's role in, 117, 118-119
pessimism concerning, 79
positive disposition, 173
postulate of equal ability, 212-214
powers retained by the people, 184
principles, 123-125
proportional representation. 99-103
rationalistic, 212
rural life and, 260-261, 307
sovereignty in, 176-194
technology and, 309, 318
toleration of non-democratic principles, 105-106, 108
totalitarian state and, 136
transmission theory, 180, 181, 184
tyranny, 99, 247
working satisfactorily, 97
see also Direct democracy; Election; Freedom
Demongeot, Marcel: 108 n.
Demonstration: 20
grave reasons, 183
right of, 180, 182
Descartes, Rena: 308
Desgrippes, Georges, 111 n.
Designation theory: 157, 164, 173, 192
Desire: 219, 239, 263
boundless, 242
communion in, 49
community, 64
pursuit and avoidance in, 22 n.
Despotism: 75, 136 n., 137 n.
despot (the term): 73 n.
enlightened, 73
transmission theory, 178
Determination: from within, from
without, 109
Deterministic philosophy: 191
Dictatorship: 77, 97, 106, 116, 212, 248, 296, 308
Dignity: 202 n., 216
Direct democracy: 76, 119, 149-153, 168, 181, 184, 186, 194
Discipline: labor organizations, 306
Dissenters: war; nation's salvation, 28-29
Dissolution of a thing, 35 n.
Distinction: desire for, 311-312
administrative, 131
free, 245-246, 249, 252
of power: 100-101
Diversity: function; homestead, 129
Divine right: 155-157, 176
Divine will: 39-42
Doubt: 24, 123
Durkheim, Emile: 84 n.